Thursday, April 30, 2009


Either this blog just took a turn down the Red Light District OR this is pirate related..............all those who guessed pirate related win!!

You KNOW I had to delve into my new Konad plates I got from OC Nail Art - right?! I already had my Konad plate # M28 out from my SH Insta-Dri test stamps, so I decided to use it for my nail of the day. I also still have a few of my TiNS that I haven't waved in your I mean that I haven't teased ........ I mean NaNeNaNe BOO BOO , I have TiNS and YOU don't - lol!! Ok, now that that is out of my system, I still have a few TiNS that I haven't shown you yet so I decided to use one for the base. I used TiNS - The Diamond for the base, and believe me when I tell you it looks like I have dipped my finger nails into a diamond bath. My nails are simply draped in diamonds! With nails this expensive looking, I knew I needed something to protect them from all these pirate outbreaks we have had recently. So what better way to ward off pirates than with pirates (dead ones) !!

Three things can sum up my LOVE of this mani:


***Props curtesy of my son's toy box!! Thanks Little :)

I dare you to click on the pic above and enlarge it!! I DOUBLE DOG dare you!

Who wants to get thar hands on me booty now???


  1. LMAO. OMG! How glittery is that!!
    I'm totally coming over to take that from you!!!

  2. I took your double dog dare, and wow! Psychadelic galaxy! You did a great job with the Konad and the props, too!

  3. Shiver me timbers! That looks awesome!

  4. I so wish I'd had that plate for Halloween last year! Shiver me timbers - it's perfect!

    Great mani! :-)

  5. That glitter and the blue one that you have previously modeled for us, are really amazing,

    sooooooooo jealous!

  6. Brooke you are so cruel! I love the skull and crossbones. That shimmer from the polish is fantastic. Tins needs to ship to the US and right away. I would order every delicious glitter. I can kick you in your peg leg and grab that polish.

  7. Wow ! that's awasome !! so many little diamonds ! totally like a million that Konadicure you did is real great :-)

  8. GAR! I love it- I hadn't checked your blog yet when I sent that email to you this morning. It looks soo fantastic- I have to get that plate and the TiNS to go with it. It looks super!

  9. That tins color is gorgeous and sparkly!

  10. WOW. :D I am JEALOUS, I want those nails like crazy. :(

  11. ROFL!!
    Nails are fantabulous, missy; I want that glittah :)

  12. Pirates and Glitter! /explodes. Fantastic

  13. haha, i totally enjoyed this post. i took your dare and whoahhhh, an array of pretty glitters! the colors are gorgeous. even your prop was great.

  14. Those are gorgeous! I'm checking my calendar to figure out a night for beer. Now that the music fesival is over, I can breathe, although I've got a killer cold right now. Hopefully I'll get back to you this weekend and we can make some PLANS!

  15. RAI - Bring it on sister!!!

    MARY - Isn't that some crazy glitter??

    HELEN - TY :)

    JAMIE - This plate is really cute, perfect for Halloween. Maybe you can get in time for Halloween this year.

    DEEZ NAILZ - I know - this glitters are to die for, aren't they??!! They are my Nars Zulu :)

    LUCY - wooo!! You have a mean streak, trying to take out me peg leg! lol I would totally kick a peg leg out from under someone for this polish too :)

    TULI - Thanks. The Diamond is such a fitting name!

    JEN - That's ok! You really do need this plate, I mean how cute is it?

    KAE - Thanks.

    CHRISSY - Thank you! Can you get TiNS where you are?

    ALEILAW - Oh no, not trying to blind anyone - maybe should have warned you :)

    VANESSA - Thanks. I can't say enough about these glitter polishes :)

    CLOCKWORk - Somehow I knew these would be right up your alley :)

    AQUARACER - Thanks! I have my son to thank for the use of his toys for my props!

    SASHA - Alright girl, let me know when you get a date figured out :) Hope you feel better soon!

  16. That Konad stamp looks sooo good with that polish! I've seen a lot of cool colours from that brand, too bad we don't have it in Sweden. =/

  17. ALEXLYNDRA - Thank you. The stamps worked so well since the glitter in these polishes doesn't stick up. The polishes have such a nice flat finish!
