Friday, March 27, 2009


Thanks to the WONDERFUL Colette at My Simple Pleasures (home of the baseball mitt kitty toes, seriously click and check those toes out, I love them toes!) she let me in on how to embed YouTube video's into a blog post. Yes I am behind on the times, sue me!!! I tried to figure out how to do this once before and it was way confusing.

Sooooooo - just to test this out I am posting a video for you. This is one that I have in my favorites and I laugh every time I watch this! The first time I saw this I really did have tears streaming down my face. It is old and I am sure most of you have seen it, but humor me, this is only a test, I repeat this is only a test :)


  1. AAHAAHAA! Brooke, you and i have a similar sense of humor: baby wigs and stumbling people are a hoot!

    Oh and now i'm off to read Simple Pleasure's blog, just saw the polydactyl kitty and i'm hooked.

    When i was a kid i had a friend, Cecilia, and she was sooo pretty! huge yellowish green eyes, dimples and and she was a polydactyl too!!

    Frisky reminded me of my long ago friend Cecilia.

  2. OLGA - LMAO!! Baby wigs and stumbling people - that's a good time had by all right there!

    I just wanna ask that model "how does your ankle DO that? and all while holding that watering can too, talent my friends, pure talent :)

  3. Wow, wicked that she fumbled twice.

  4. After the day I had at work today, I have to say Brooke it's great to come home & know at least one person thinks I'm wonderful =) So you're welcome for the tip & thanks for the kind words.

    AND you're spreading Frisky's fame far & wide!

  5. COLETTE - lol - at Frisky's fame ;) those little toes had me at hello!
