Friday, March 27, 2009


This was what I had on my toes yesterday. I was so busy working on the Konad Tutorial that I didn't have time to post about anything else. I have another TOTD that I will post up later that I am wearing today, that involves a little Konad too :P

Sally Hansen - Flash is a color I saw on Colette of My Simple Pleasures blog. I loved this color on her, and a few weeks ago when Walgreen's was having that big Sally Hansen sale, I got this. I really love this shade of blue. I don't think it worked really great with my skin tone for some reason, but I don't care :) I like this color and I will be wearing it again soon, I'm sure.


  1. I think it does look fantastic on you AND it looks similar to Dinky's snuggie..and yes i'm rather dissapointed MY snuggie didn't have a Dinky! (pout)

  2. This color looks fine on you Brooke. Very pretty and love the flip flops.

  3. OLGA - Thank you. Dinky was kinds of wrapped up in the snuggie, I had to pull it back to find her face :)

    OLIVIA C - Thank you, it is such a pretty shade of blue, I think.

    LUCY - Thank you, maybe it just doesn't look right to me becasue it is a darker bold color instead of the pink bold neon's I'm used to.

  4. OMG! I'm in love with this blue.
    Gotta go find that polish.

  5. What an appropriate name for this polish. Very flashy blue and pretty!

  6. RAI - Isn't it pretty?? I'm surprised I haven't seen more of this color on other blogs.

    NESSA - I thought so too!

  7. Yummily Delicious!!! Do you happen to know what brand your sandals are, or where I could get some? I love metallic sandals - especially if they have BOTH silver and gold....
