Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Last week I did a review of Nubar's Magic Buffer. I told you all I used my mom's hands as the one's to show you guys since her nails are longer and mine are still recovering from the acrylics. I also used the Magic Buffer on my nails, too. I then painted over them that same night with the forrest green franken. Yesterday when I took the nail polish off, and washed my hands, I looked down and my nails are still shiny!!!!!

I can not remember ever using a nail buffer that kept my nails shiny through a nail polish, a pure acetone nail polish removal and a washing (with a nail brush too mind you) and drying! I was impressed when I used this the other night, but now I am really, really impressed! I even took a pic of my nekkid nails to show you all just how shiny my nails stayed.
Before you look at the pic though, remember my nails are still recovering and are on the 'Ug" side. My nails are completely dry in this picture and I had not yet put on any cuticle oil, these are plain, dry, unpolished nails:

Clicking the pic to enlarge will show more detail.

Can you believe that? Are you all impressed?


  1. Brave girl! Nice that they are still shiny. I bought a load of 3 way buffers from 8ty8beauty and they do the same thing. Shiny shiny nails. I forget which ones I ordered buy I won't run out anytime soon. I've liked everything I've gotten from Nubar so far.

  2. LUCY - lol, yes, that was pretty brave I guess.

  3. Oh wow they are crazy shiny! Your nails look like mine did a few weeks ago when I ditched my acrylics, they're going back on today though. I just have to decide what design by this afternoon!

  4. VIOLET - I know, I am so impatient when it's time to take off the acrylics I end up damaging my nails like this. Oh well, they will grow out - slowly but surely !
