Friday, March 20, 2009


Yes, you read that right! Forrest Green Holo Franken!! That is what I made out of that good for nothin' Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear - Night Lights. Here is what I used:

I poured half of my bottle of SH Night Lights into an empty bottle, then I poured in a small amount of Nfu Oh #66 (a light, mint green holo), I added some SH - Emerald City (a little bit more than the Nfu Oh) and a small amount of Love My Nails - Black Rage. I added two BB's and shook 'er up. And this is what I got:
Yeah baby! How hot does that color look? I took an insane amount of pictures, I was THAT pleased with myself!! Gaze upon the greatest franken of my life (so far. . . hehehe)



I would once again love you all's help in NAMING THAT FRAKEN! You all do such a wonderful job and give such good names. I had immediately thought of something that had to do with Money. Here are a couple I came up with:
Cold, Hard Cash (a take off from Misas- Dirty Sexy Money)
Of course your idea's don't have to stay with the money theme, whatever you think is a great name let me know in the comments section. Thanks Ladies!
OMG!! I feel really dumb! Here I thought I had some ground breaking holo color, and I was just going back over some of Dr. Frankenpolish's past frankens, and Amanda JUST did a forrest green holo AND I looked at it, loved and complimented her on it! What sorta dork am I? Where has my memory gone? So, I am sorry dear Amanda, it looks as though you got this one before I did! Please take a look at Amanda's wonderful franken on her blog HERE! Her's is called fireworks in the forrest.
All apologies Amanda :)
Brooke B.


  1. I love the color blend!
    lmao @ "Dinky's back approves."

    Name it CA-CHING WITH GREEN! lol
    ...okay I suck at this hahaha.

  2. RAI - Actually that's a pretty good name! So far it's at the top of the list :)

  3. DEEZ NAILZ - Thanks! I will mark one down for CHC!

  4. Totally gorgeous!

  5. Terrific job Brooke! Love that color. Are there any dark green holo's out there?

  6. ALEXLYNDRA - Thank you.

    LUCY - I don't remember seeing any if there are. Thank you.

  7. Girl! You worked it out!! Gorgeous!

    I say you call it "Forest Faerie" or "Wood Nymph". It looks all magical and "forest-y". lol.

    Good job!

  8. I love this franken! How about "Forest Gump's Green Wonder" or "Green Copper"?

  9. I like Cold Hard Cash! Great job, it kinda looks like Color Club's Revvolution, but more green. Stunning!

  10. Wow Brooke that is so gorgeous i want to drink it!

    I'd name it "Dinky Approved" or "Dinky's Rump"

  11. Random question, lol.
    Brooke, have you ever heard of this site? Or ordered from it?

  12. THE PBG - I like Wood Nymph. Thanks ;)

    AMABILE - Green Copper is an interestind one. I kinda like that.

    NESSA - Thanks, as always :)

    OLGA - LOL! I should have known!

    RAI - No I havn't. Not heard about or ordered from it.

  13. Getcha Money Right!

  14. CRLSWEETIE912 - oooooooo!!! I think you may have tied with Cha-Ching Green! Thanks for the submission :)

  15. I just thought of more names:

    - Gimme Money Honey
    - Money Machine or ATM
    - Mardi Gras ... lol seems so festive.

    lol. Now my random creative side is all gone now.

  16. RAI - I am going to put this up to a vote.

  17. Wow - I just adore this one, Brooke. Well's just so gorgeous! kinda looks like Mardi Gras to me too...but I'm not sure what that amounts to as far as names go. I'm sure you'll find a great one!

  18. i love it! i guess you just have a dupe recipe of amanda's fireworks in the forest!

  19. this looks very similar to color club's revvolution..i like it

    i think you should name it coal night..

  20. this looks very similar to color club's revvolution..i like it

    i think you should name it coal night..

  21. no, make that.. a coal and starry night

  22. JAMIE - Thank you. I had to put the name up for a vote, there were just too many good ones!

    YUMMY411- Yes I do! lol

    AUGUSTA - Oh, I like your names too! You just missed the names I put up for a vote though! Thanks for your idea's though, I appreciate them :)
