Monday, February 23, 2009


Thanks to Dr. Frankenpolish my days have been filled with looking at some of the worst cakes known to man at Cake Wrecks. However, today when I saw this one I had to post the picture up here! How yummy do those nails look??!!!

Yes, this is a cake!


  1. Is that a pregnant belly along w/the requisite pregnant boobage? Who would cake that? LOLz!

    Those nails do look pretty sweet though. :)

  2. THE PRETTY BROWN GIRL - Think I see a hard nipple in there too- lmao! I have no idea where this cake would be used! I wonder if those nails are fake ones that they just put on there or if they are made out of icing and stuff.

  3. ARRRRGH, my eyes. They are burning.

    Why :( just why lol.

  4. PIXIE - I think what bothers me the most is the nails don't even match her shirt! At least paint the nails to match the shirt - lol

  5. I agree to match the nails. Or at least something to blend! How could you even cut into that cake. Oh God it would feel like murder. Ick!

    Seriously; this is the funniest I've seen all day, thanks for sharing!

  7. LUCY - Can you imagine if they put a little plastic baby inside the cake - lol I would die - of laughter :)

    ANNESSA - So glad I brought a smile to your face :)

  8. Ewww!
    Have you seen the James Bond wedding cake over there? It was posted about 6 months ago, but you MUST search for it. It's the most awesomest wedding cake I've ever seen - complete with bullet holes!

  9. NIXXY - I headed over there and did a search for it. YOu are right, that cake was pretty awesome. I always wanted to learn how to decorate beautiful cakes.

    RAI - Very "hmmmm" indeed :)

  10. o wow this is crazy, I wouldnt even eat this lol

  11. Thats the ax murderer of cakes! soooo scary!! now i'll have nightmares.

  12. LONDYNKOUTURE - I'm still wanting to know, just what was this cake in celebration of ?!

    OLGA - Lol - good way to put it - the axe murderer of cakes!

  13. I LOVE cakecrecks!!! It's always a good laugh! Look up the "Curious George" cake if you haven't seen that one already. I almost choked to death laughing so hard at that one :-)

  14. AMANDA - I dont think I have seen the curious george one, I will have to check that out.

    Thanks for the tip on a great site! I love to cook, eat and laugh - what could be better ? :)
