Monday, February 23, 2009


Hello all, hope your day is going good so far. I didn't have much for you all in the way of nail stuff today, so what a great time to introduce some new blogs to you!
I usually will click into my "followers" to see if they have any blogs and what their profiles say - hey, I'm nosey :) Also if a comment is left, I will check to see if there is a profile - again I'm nosey! These are a couple of the blogs that I have come across recently. A couple of them are brand new and only have a couple posts so far, so please ladies take a moment to check them out. I know when I first started this blog, it was a little like is anyone reading this? Without comments I felt a little discouraged at first, so that is why I am a big fan of comments. Even if it is just to say you like the blog, it means alot to the bloggers out there, and really it only takes like 2 seconds out of your day to brighten some one else's, ya know!
On to the links:

What Katie Did Her Polish - Her blog says she is from Greece, and so far she only has up two posts, but it looks like a blog I will keep my eye on!

Make It Colorful - This one is just new to me :) So you all might already know about this one, if not take a look. She posts lots of good pictures.

Similar Addiction - Flavia (great name by the way) is from Italy, so I am really excited to see what brands of nail polish she will be using on her blog. This is another one that is fairly new too.

Deez Nailz - Another fairly new blog. She has some gorgeous nails, I'm not for sure if they are natural or not, but I'm a fan of artificial nails so it doesn't matter to me. However, I don't see that leaving comments is activated on her blog (are you aware of that?) I looked for an email address to ask you, but didn't see one, and I was curious if you were aware that we can't leave you any comments.

La.morena - Rai's blog is beauty plus some nail pics here and there. Very cute blog and Rai is gorgeous too :) She is having an 80's makeup contest right now (click here for the details) and she is giving away some great prizes, so if make up is your thing you better get entered, March 1st is the last day!

I LOVE to know about new nail polish blogs, so if you have one I haven't mentioned, please let me know about it. You can email me a link to your blog or leave it in the comments section and I will feature it in my next New Blog On the Block post!
Thanks ladies now go check out those blogs!


  1. Thanks Brooke. I'm always on the looks out for new blogs. Especially nail blogs. I'll be sure to comment. I'm sure there is nothing worse than no one responding to your blog. It doesn't hurt to drop a few words in the comment section. Everyone can use some words of encourgement.

  2. LUCY - Thank you! I am sure these new bloggers could really use the encouragment, what a nice person you are :) Have a good day.

  3. Brooke thank you so much for mentioning my blog!I wanted you to know that I check on your 2-3 times a day..I love it that you post so often!!Thanks again!Kisses!

  4. You are sooooo sweet! I love your blog and especially the posts you make about the awesome deals and pretty colors you are finding at the Dollar Tree! Keep posting those hauls. Thank you so much for alerting me to my comments being turned off and my email.

    I added you as a fav last week so I know when you post things. Keep up all your good work and thanks again for mentioning me

  5. Hi Brooke!
    Many thanks from me too; so very nice and thoughtful of you! :) I adore your blog as well.
    Have a nice day everyone; this Swede is off to bed... :)

  6. I just started a new nail blog called "Fifty-Two(52)Flavors", dedicated to my year-long "Nail Color of the Week" challenge I set for myself for 2009. I only have one post up so far, but two are scheduled for this week. I'm a newbie to the nail scene, so I'm learning a lot from all the blogs I've discovered over the past several weeks, including this one!

    I also write an advice column called "Hey, You Asked!" where I answer letters sent to me by folks looking for guidance from a smart, sassy & sagacious chick! ;)

  7. TO ALL -
    No problem on the shout out - I like to spread good news :)

    THE PRETTY BROWN GIRL - Thanks for bringing your blogs to my attention. I will check them out :)

  8. I've got a blog! :) It's called The Great Lacquer Hunt ... and it's about nail polish. :) Mainly NOTD's.

  9. FAITH - Thanks for bringing it to my attention!

  10. Thanks for posting those! i love to check out new blogs, of course i always come back to you because yours is the "funnest" really. Others are more "knowledgeable", or have prettier pics but yours has the joy.

  11. OLGA - No problem :)
    Girl please! You come here just to get your Dinky fix - admit it lmao :)

  12. Uh-oh..ok! I confess, im guilty of Dinky stalking, read me my mirandas, put the hancuffs and take me away. (grim)

    No, really i enjoy your blog the most because it always has something fun in it nailwise or dinkywise.

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