Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Good morning/afternoon all! I have a fantastic NOTD to show you all. I placed my first order for Nfu Oh's the other day. I found out from The Nailphile that these were available for purchase from an online etailer, not just ebay anymore. I have always been a little afraid of ebay for some reason and I have never ordered anything from there. Anyway, I purchased my Nfu Oh's from Fabulous Street. I ordered these on Friday and they were delivered to me by Monday morning by the postal service! Can you say WOW?! I ordered 5 little maidens. However my dumb azz must have been in a daze because I acidentally ordered # 60. I already had this one gifted to me by the lovely Polish Pixie - d'oh! Anyway I am going to post some pics of the five polishes I picked up and also a lovely NOTD I did last night. However I am seeing today that there was some tip pullage- ugh~!

Ok, and now on to the pics of my NOTD. This looked "so hot" last night. It must have been the lighting or something, because it isn't flashing like it was last night. It still looks cool, but it was just HOT last night. I used for my base coat Wild and Crazy colors in Queen's Eyes. This is a pretty purple color all on it's own. I then added two coats of Nfu Oh # 51. This is what added these little magenta colored flashes I was starring at all night long. Just beautiful I tell you. If you don't own a Nfu Oh, get with it and get you one! You have no idea what you are missing out on :)


  1. I'm checking out the link to buy them right now, I don't have any Nfu-Ohs! I will totally take #60 off your hands! :) j/k

  2. NESSA - Let me know if you get any! Would love to see the colors you pick! LOL, I bet you would :)

  3. Can I just say, I just love the bottles?!?! I mean really, what a great, unique top. Thanks for the link, I'll check them out next month (when the nail polish budget is "renewed"). That really does up the "bling factor" on your nails - congrats!

  4. You got some AWESOME ones (including #60 rofl). #51 is one of my all time favorite polishes. Just amazing.

    Have you tried the holo yet? The Nfu holos are insane. I keep getting distracted at work when I wear them lol.

  5. JAMIE - I know, those bottle are pure gold! Now that I'm "frankening" I can't wait to use an empty Nfu Oh bottle. I mean I just ordered these babies and here I am making plans for their empty bottles :)

    PIXIE - Reordering that #60 was a blonde moment and I'm not even blonde. I think you made me want the holo. You did a konad with a snowman I think - so I have you to thank for that one :)

  6. KATEE - Isn't it though! I just wish I could have really captured what it looked like.
