Monday, February 9, 2009


Ok, so I am just so excited about my first franken that I had to get on the computer tonight and post pics up! I didn't take any pics of what I used to make this color, because to be frank (ha ha ha) I didn't think I was going to like this color so much. I know I used a Sally Hansen that was clear with glitter in it. To that I added a pale yellow. I wanted it more yellow so I added Sally Hansen Lighting, a really bright yellow. Then I added a little bit of Color Club neon blue. It was a sort of pale green at this point, so I decided to add Sally Hansen Navy Baby - and voila! My first franken baby was born :) Contrary to what it looks like, this does have a smooth finish to it. When I first got done with this, I was thinking it looked like that new MISA Dirty Sexy Money, but mine is darker and it has glitter. I'm not one for spotting dupes, but this seems like a pretty unique color. Anyway, here she is:

OK, so now I want to know- WHAT DO YOU THINK??!! Does this look like another color? BTW, the pics without the flash is closer to the correct color.


  1. That is really pretty! As for a name? Maybe something with Teal in it. :0)

  2. Great first job Brooke! Very pretty. It's deeper and more blue than Dirty, Sexy Money. I like it.

  3. **applauds**
    Awesome job, Brooke!!! I love the color! :-)

  4. SMOOCHIEFROG - Thanks! I'm still thinking on a name.

    LUCY - Thank you. Yes, after I looked up the pics online of DSM I realized mine wasn't near as close to it as I first thought :)

    AMANDA - Thanks! And thanks for the inspiration :)

  5. Gorgeous! when in doubt, add glitter.

    Here's a few suggestions for a name: Twinkly Dinky or Just Plain Gorgeous.

    PS You are a good "mad scientist" just don't blow up the kitchen with your potions!

  6. AWESOME!!! You did an awesome job! I do think it looks like dirty, sexy money a bit, but more...BLINGTASTIC! Maybe that should be the name? I like Olga's names too.

  7. OLGA - Thanks for the tips you gave yesterday, they really helped me out! I had somuch fun doing this too. I just need to get me some empty bottles though.

    NESSA - Thank you. I just wish this would have had a smoother appearance.

  8. Wow, Brooke - great job! I love it, it reminds me of the stormy sea in the last pictures, and in the brighter pictures, of a sunny rainstorm. :-)

  9. JAMIE - Ohhh, I like your thinking! Stormy Sea could be a really good name for this!

  10. I like it a lot! The glitter looks great.

  11. PIXIE - Thanks. I think this would have worked better with flakes instead of glitter.
