Monday, February 16, 2009


See that little round dent in my nail? Well you can thank Dinky for that! She thought it was time for fightsey bitseys! Her little tooth left a perfect little hole in my polish - thanks Dink!


  1. Very pink!! Love the 'princess pink' colors!
    They always think all the time is time to play!

  2. Aw Dinky made a "denty" in you mani! It's a Dinky mani now. Love that shade of pink.

  3. Such a lovely pink!

    Who is Dinky? lol A pet?

  4. NESSA - I usually don't like the really light pinks on me, but I said what the hey!

    OLGA - She did put her little stamp on that mani!

    RAI - Thank you!
    OMG!! You don't know who Dinky is?? She is only the star of this blog! lol Dinky is my little Chihuahua puppy. I have a daily dose of dinky area in the top right hand side of my blog and then I usually post pics of her a couple of times a week. I love here, what can I say! :)
