Monday, February 16, 2009


The other night I spent some time re-organizing my nail polish. I have bought so much lately I have gotten lazy and not put it in it's correct box. I organize my stash by nail polish brand, however as the stash grows I might change my organization by color. Anyway, the count is now at 450+!! Yikes!!! and WOOOO HOOOO! Here she is, in all of her glory:

And to prove that I see no end in site, the "baskets" that I put Valentines goodies in for my son and Bf, I picked up two more plastic shoe boxes and used those for baskets! I gave them notice that the "baskets" were to be given back to me when they ate all their candy out of them! :)


  1. WHOA! That's like a lot of nail polish!!! lol

  2. 2nd that, huge stash!! I wish I had that much, but right now I never know which one to pick, I can't imagine how it would be if I had that many!

  3. 2nd that, huge stash!! I wish I had that much, but right now I never know which one to pick, I can't imagine how it would be if I had that many!

  4. So neat and pretty!

    Recently i organized mine (by color) in shoe boxes too.

    But i'm sure my stash is nowhere nears yours!!

  5. RAI - I know! I am about to run out of room for all of it.

    NESSA - And getting bigger by the day! ACK!! I need an intervention.

    OLGA - I'm afraid if I try to organize by color I'm going to over do it and over think it.

  6. Blargh! *drops to floor - twitches*

  7. Excellent collection! I have my collection arranged by brand also. I'm thinking of going by color instead.

  8. Shazaam! What a stash! I need to get mine organized (probably by color). I don't have nearly as many as you do. Still less than 50, but that is soon to change! :)

  9. NIXXY - I am sending DInky over to you to lick you awake and get you off the floor :)

    LUCY - Thank you.

    THE PRETTY BROWN GIRL - Lol, another nail plolish -a-holic to be! :)
