Thursday, January 8, 2009


(Please click on picture to get a closer look)
While going through my stash last night to take advantage of the great trade-in offer from Zoya (if you don't know about this offer, please click here to be directed to e-polishblog where Katee filled us all in on it yesterday), I decided to snap a picture to share with you all. The big book is filled with nail art pictures, how-to's and other nail related info.
I keep my nail polish in shoe box containers I get from Dollar General for $1 each. They work out pretty good if you have them filled up. If you don't have that much polish in them, they do tend to slide around a little bit.
Right now I keep my nail polish together by Brand. How do you guys store & stash your nail polish? I would love to hear about this, you might give me some great ideas on how to keep mine :)
China Glaze - Qty 41
(My favorite, and my stash proves it. I had to use two boxes to contain this one.)
Orly - Qty 24
Sinful Colors - Qty 21 (Great colors & at such a great price!)
Color Club - Qty 13
Misa - Qty 12
OPI - Qty 8 (I don't like their bottles or their brushes)
(Note: Qty's listed above are just my bigger collections, it doesn't reflect my whole collection)


  1. Wow! that looks amazing!, I really don't know how many nps i have..i'm in the process or getting organized so i'll have a final number pretty soon. As soon as i get the shoe boxes i'll organize by color.

  2. You just reminded me that I really need to clean through my stash and come up with a good storage system! Half of my polishes are in cardboard boxes, shoe boxes, etc. So unorganized. Yours is totally organized! But I would probably organize by color rather than brand. just thinking aloud!


  3. OLGA - Would love to hear how many you have. I think my sisters have basically quit buying nail polish on their own, they just come and look through my stash, of course I can't blame them - it is pretty fab :) lol

    KATEE - When I originally bought my shoe boxes and organized, I did it by color, but it was hard narrowing it down, and I would have had to get more shoe boxes. SO I decided until my stash got a little bit bigger I was going to do it by brand. I think it is about to that point though where I can do it by color.

  4. gark!
    *drops to ground in puddle of drool*
    *rolls round a bit*

    Makes my small collection in one box look totally crapadocious #B)

  5. NIXXY - I swear you crack me up! I bet you are just a riot to be around :)

  6. hehehe actually I'm very quiet in person! I reserve my insanity for writing. And occasionally barking at parked cars (only red ones. They're insolent and must be told off).

  7. Wow! That's a lotta polish!

    I have two smallish plastic tubs in one of the veggie drawers in my fridge (I've been keeping nail polish in the fridge for nearly 10 years now...seems to stay thin longer). 50 bottles, maybe? They're just tossed in, I don't have a system, just dig for what I want.

    My nail art supplies are confined to a plastic drawer like yours above in the bathroom. It is *not* even close to being organized. :-)

    I do have tons of empty binders...I *really* should start a nail art file like yours! Great idea!

  8. JAMIE - I love hearing how everyone keeps their stash! It is kind of like looing in someone's medicine cabinet or something - lol
    My little nail art file has been so handy! When I see something online I like or think I might want to try I just print it out, and I bought those clear sheet protectors, you just slide your printed pages in, no need to worry about punching holes in the pages. Very handy :)

  9. Love you stash! Mine is a mess :p

  10. PIXIE - The clear tubs make it look more neat than it really is. They are totaly worth the $1.00

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