Thursday, January 8, 2009

MY 100TH POST! ! ! ! AND 2nd CONTEST! ! !

100 posts, I can't believe it! When I started this blog, I really hoped I was going to enjoy doing this, and that I would keep it up. I have not only enjoyed it, I have met some really great, wonderful people on here from all over the world! Thanks to all who check in here and see what I am up too. You all have made this really a great experience and I look forward to 100 more posts!!

As I mentioned earlier this week, I want to do a contest in celebration of not only 100 posts, but in celebration for all Getcha Nails Did fans! I was hoping to have it all planned out by now, but my posts came a little faster than I was prepared for. So let me go over what I have so far:

1) This contest will be open to all my "fans" - worldwide :)
2) To enter: Please leave me a comment letting me know what you like &/or dislike about Getcha Nail Did, also anything you would like to see me post about in the future, or any changes you would like made.
3) You must also leave your email address & first name so that I will be able to contact the winner.
4) Only one entry per person.
5) This contest will be open for 2 weeks, starting on Jan. 8th & closing on Jan. 22nd.
6) The winner to be announced Friday Jan. 23rd.
7) Prizes to be announced in the near future!!

Good luck to you all & THANK YOU!


  1. Hey!

    What I like about "Getcha Nails Did": the nail art and ur overall awesomeness!

    What I dislike: trying to read the lime green font in this post on my Google Reader because its 6am and I havent been to sleep yet and its giving me a headache :)

    Email addy:

    COngrats on ur 100th post!!

  2. Congrats on the 100th post! Good for you! I love tuning in and seeing what's going on with you and the nail world. It keeps me up to speed.

    What I like: definitely the nail art. I mean, scrapbook stickers! I never would have thought!

    What I dislike: I think maybe the banner on your page. The red nails glaring at me when I open your page kinda makes me flinch. :( I hate to say it, but you asked.

    I would like to see more nail art definitely or what you think overall is the best base coat, topcoat, and nail polish for not chipping.

    Email Nessa:

    I love these giveaways.


  3. Congradulations Brooke!

    Love your photos now. New camera is doing a fantastic job. The only thing I don't like is the out of focus nail polish picture in your header. I'd like it in focus. Would also like to see more of your nail art. I just organized my polish collection by brand. I also listed all the colors by brand in a notebook. I'll have to count them. Guess I'm afraid too!

  4. HEY! I am new to your blog. I recently took off my false nails, so I lurk your blog in search of new amazing nail polish colors! I love your blog, it's awesome/helpful/fun! I can't say anything that I would change about your blog...I think you have wonderful swatches on here! Very very very helpful.

  5. Congratulations! I'm actually new to your blog, I found it sorta by accident, but I'm loving what I found! So far, the only thing I dislike is having to click "older post" one at a time, instead of "older posts." Not sure if it is something you have control over or not, it would just make it easier on myself to check out all that I've been mising out on. ;) Keep up the good work!

  6. Congratulations!!! and thank you for the give away. I am delurking to enter :o)

    I like your blog content. You have some great nail art, swatches and information. Thanks for sharing your stash.

    I have to agree with some of the have some much better pictures that you could put in your header ;o)

    Keep up the great posting!

  7. You have a great blog, congrats!!

    If a have to find something not to like, it's the blurry header, it's so inferior to the rest of the content of this blog, both imagewise and in text content.

    What I like most, You are innovative and honest. I never would have thought about using scrap-book material for my nails, but for you pointed it out, you also sport a lot of creative manis for my inspiration.
    A special price goes to your dog, god, I always wanted to have one looking just like him (or her). I had a Boston Terrier a long time ago and loved him so much, now my family's scedule makes another dog impossible.

  8. I love your blog because you are so got at taking pictures!
    Some blogs I follow only post 2 or 3 pics, but not you, no no, you post sooo much more! I love that, that way I can see how the polish looks like in different angles. I don't have to check somewhere else to deside whether or not I would like to have it.
    Some blogpics look too "clinical" (Hmm..a swedish word directly translated. "Too staged" with the light etc, might be easier to understand?) for me, not yours :D

    That's all from med in cold Sweden! Tuddeluu!

    Email: monticka at gmail

  9. I would like to see a post listing your top polishes and brands I would also like to see more tips. There's nothing really dislikable about your blog :)

  10. Love this blog. You have the best posts and I love reading everything!

  11. Hi babe!

    What I like: I love that I feel that I know you as a person from reading your blog. I love the imaginative nail art, and I absolutely love the Dinky pictures!

    Dislike: I wish the pictures were sharper, but I think you got that covered with the new camera.

    Inge: jinnzor AT gmail DOT com

  12. Fun contest!

    I love how creative you are, and aren't you an accountant too like me? I am jealous of your creativity!

    Your new camera is awesome and I love your new shots! You should update your header with a more recent shot.

    barelytogether at yahoo dot com

  13. Congrats! I love your blog and the variety but you should def put an amazing banner, maybe something a little more personal!

  14. Congrats on your 100th post! What I like best is your nail art and I don't think there's really anything that I dislike!

    jaciem7 at yahoo dot com

  15. i just stumbled upon your site and i think its so informative!!

  16. Congrats!

    The nail art rocks; nice to see another college football fan despite the fact that the Sooners let me down versus my nemesis Tim Tebow and the Florida Gators (I'm a Noles fan, personally (:)

    I didn't like the old template but the new one is cute. I'm still on the lookout for a template for my own blog.

    askanasiangirl at gmail dot com

  17. Hiya! I've just started reading your blog a couple of days ago. I'm really loving your nail art!
    kmelia13 at gmail dot com

  18. What I love about your blog is that you put your personality with every post. I wouldn't change anything about this blog. I love it!!

  19. Hi! I've been checking out your blog from time to time and saw your post about your 100th post (and contest), so I thought I'd post something!

    One of the things I love about your blog is the personal touch you give it: I feel like I know you almost. I also like that you often feature drugstore nail polishes that a lot of the other nail polish sites ignore. When you live in a small town and don't have a lot of expendable income, drugstores are your best bet!

    Now I have to list something I dislike? Hmm...I really don't know! I've never been good at giving constructive criticism...maybe post more often?

    Again, congrats on making it to the big one-oh-oh! :)


  20. Hi! congratulations! I am pretty new to your site, but I am loving what I see.

    Like: your nail art using scrapbook materials (I am into nail art and I'm using some stuffs I am seeing on scrapbook store now I know I am not the only one, but you are way better good)

    Your blog is giving me inspiration to do the same with my nails.

    Love to see more nail arts! more power and keep on blogging :)

  21. I like the nail art. I can't do most of it myself, but I can drool on your pics all i want.


  22. Hi Brooke!

    I really like your nails and your nail art. I love painting my nails, but my application isn't so great.

    I dislike your dislike for OPI bottles ;). OPI isn't my favorite brand, but I love their bottles. Anyway, I've recently discovered your blog, and I really like it. I am looking forward to more great posts!


  23. What I like: You always sound so excited about what you're reviewing - it's not like 'ugh, I have to review this' lol. I also love that you try out unusual looks, like the Turned up Turqoise french, and the Nyx green sparkle over Jumpin' Jade.

    Dislike: Nothing really, if I disliked I wouldn't read your blog all the time xD


  24. Congrats on your centenary Brooke!

    I have to say that you wouldn’t have to show anything to do with nails at all and I would still pop in to see how you’re doing, cos you’re such a ray of sunshine.

    And you are edumacating me about culture, like American football. Go Sooners! (Did I get that right?)

    Also – I’m stalking Dinky.

    That Tiffany ruby collar left on the front doorstep the other day?

    Totally me.
    Call me, Dinkyyyy!



    Why must you taunt me incessantly with so many beautiful polishes that I should have bought when I was in the US for those 3 days back in 2005 for a conference, but I didn’t know my way around LA, and didn’t really have the time – and also hadn’t grown my nails again so polishes weren’t really on my radar and I blew all my spending money on books I couldn’t find back home at this really nice Borders that was downstairs in this deserted shopping mall downtown that I can’t remember the name of.


    In summation: you suck.

    But just a little hehe #;)

    You can send the restraining order to:

  25. NIXXY - Girl - I swear you make me laugh :)

  26. Hi! Congrats on your 100th post! I'm new to your blog but loving it!!! I like your NOTD pics and any swatches you do. It really helps me decide what I need vs. what I REALLY need! :) Also, love Dinky (who doesn't???) and the way you describe polishes in a way I love to read and totally understand.

    I'd like to see just more swatches/ NOTDs in the future.

    Good luck and thanks for the great giveaway!!! :)

  27. Brooke,
    Great drawing! Love your blog - congrats on your 100th post.

    As others have noted, I especially like how you post a lot of swatches of drugstore polishes - a much needed service. Also - love your little Dinky.

    No real dislikes.

    What I'd love to see: in-depth reviews of how some of the drugstore polish formulas compare to high-end ones, including some top and base coats.

    Thanks for all you do!
    sheoway AT aol DOT com

  28. Congratulations on your 100th post! That's pretty exciting. I'm nowhere near that number yet!

    I've only been a fan of your blog for a few weeks now, but I'm going to enter this contest regardless. It's too enticing to ignore. :)

    What I like about Getcha Nails Did is your creativity. You are the only nailist I know who visits Michaels to hunt the scrapbooking supply section for nail things! Your posts are so cute and I love seeing what you find to use on your nails. I also love your adorable argyle layout. :)

    In the future I'd love to see you explore more nail art and definitely keep doing your "nail of the day" because I like seeing new polishes and (any combinations you create with different topcoats and such.)


  29. Hi!

    Hands down, the most awesome thing about the site is Dinky. Of course, this is followed closely by the gorgeous nail art. I'm a newbie to nail polish addiction, but it's blogs like these that got me started and have made my collection quadruple in the last month!

    The colors do make it a bit hard to read, but it's splashy and fun. One thing I would love to see is more tips and tricks on painting and adding nail art - I'm still learning.


    Lisa.Hesterberg (at)

  30. I think what I like best is probably the sheer number of photos you post. It's nice to have lots of examples of the polishes in question instead of just one. I also like the pink plaid. If I was going to change one thing, it would be the name banner on the top. I think something more playful would work better. Otherwise, great blog!

    dorable AT gmail DOT com

  31. Congrats on your 100th post!

    I'll admit that I just started getting into the nail polish frenzy, and your blog was one of the first that I stumbled on. I love the sheer variety of posts that you have - that it's not just all about nails. It gives us another side of you. I also love how creative you are with your nail art - I never would have thought to use scrapbooking supplies in nail art! That's definitely something I need to look into!

    The only thing I could possibly say I hate [and it's more of an irking, mind you] is the font in your banner. The graphic designer in me is screaming at it haha. That, and the fact that you always increase my lemmings each time I check your blog.

    foreverxever [at] gmail [dot] com

  32. Yeah big 100!

    What I like about your blog? The sheer amount of swatches. About the only thing I dislike is the plaid background. But I'm nutty that way.

    osadczuk (at) yahoo (dot) com
