According to Websters:
Main Entry: blog
Main Entry: blog
Pronunciation: \ˈblȯg, ˈbläg\
Function: noun
Etymology: short for Weblog
Date: 1999
: a Web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer; also : the contents of such a site
At anytime if you see something here that you don't like I cordially invite you to move on. Not every post I publish do I think that everyone will agree with. Why some people feel the need to take time out of their day to make sure that I know they don't like it is beyond me. If you feel that strongly, start your own blog or make your own post about it on your own blog. I think most people have the capacity to just move on, and if it offends them enough to stop reading my blog then they make the decision to click the red "x" at the top of my blog.
Personally I find nothing satisfactory about being negative.
That being said, I'm taking a small break from blogging this week. Hope you girls have a nice week and I'll be back soon :)