Yes I am still here, just been busy yesterday. You know Monday's are my busy days. I still can't seem to upload the two pictures that Steph sent me to go with her Getting To Know feature I did. But I will keep trying to see what I can do.
My air conditioner went out last night and won't be up and running until today (I HOPE!!!) so last night sitting at a table doing my nails was the last thing on my mind in an 85 degree house. So I don't have a NOTD pic for you all today. I think I might have a couple stored up that I haven't shown you all yet, so hopefully if blogger lets me, I will get those up for you all.
One last thing - I have Friday July 3rd off and the following Monday July 6th off, so I have a big four day weekend coming up, which means I won't be blogging during those days. You know, I just like to keep you all informed so you know why I don't have any new posts up.
Oh God, no air conditioning! Hope yours gets fixed soon. I know what a pain it is living in an apartment waiting for maintenance. Where I live maintenance isn't too bad. They have three days to fix the problem. If there's an emergency they will come that day. Enjoy your long weekend. What no new Dinky pictures? Violet did do a terrific drawing of your girl. Looks exactly like her. I love how she did her dress with your blog name on it. Also her pink nails are a riot. Hope to hear from you soon. Also hope you get your pictures up.