Thursday, June 12, 2014


Wow....been a busy week for me.  First I have nail stuff and then I have some puppy pics to share :)

First up is a simple design I did.  I used J brand nail polish in Vivid Purple-----ya'll should know by know purples almost never photograph the correct color and this was no exception.  It's more of a bright, neon purple than the shade shown in the pics.  For the glitter I used Finger Paints - Stargazing Lilac.  I just used regular old tape that I cut into little strips to do the stripes.

Next, I wanted to share some pics of our new baby.  We picked her out when she was only about 3 weeks old - so it's been an eternity waiting for her to get old enough for her to come home.  No name yet, still working on it.  She is a red boston terrier.  I just got her yesterday but she is already fitting in nice at home with everyone.


  1. She is adorable! I especially like the 'chub' pic :)

  2. Wow nails! These are truly inspiring. They make me want to remove the mani I did just yesterday and do these. I have the finger paints and will be adding this to my design to do list. Just gorgeous! Your puppy is precious too. What names are you thinking of?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Your nails look great! Love the purple/silver combo.

    And those are the cutest puppy pics! Do you still have Dinky & Banana? I haven't seen photos of them in a long time.


  5. Thank you!

    Yes! I still have Dinky and Banana, and one of their puppies that they had, Dwundies. Now we have this little monster to round out 4 dogs, lol!!
