Friday, April 6, 2012


I bet y'all thought I abandoned you again, lol! Nope, I'm still hanging with it. Of course right when I decide to make a come back I have something HUGE happen in my life. So, I'm doing a little bit of juggling that right now and trying to get back into the swing of blogging - so bear with me girls ;)

I really loved this soft pink look of this mani I did! The colors I picked worked really well together and I kept this on for several days. For the base I used Nubar Strawberry from their Jelly beans collection. I LOVE the finish of this polish, it has a slight jelly finish to it, I think it really resembles the look of a jelly bean. Then I applied a coat of Misa Candy Girl, a shimmery sugary pink glitter top coat. I then stamped using China Glaze Joy. Wouldn't you know I forgot what stamping plate I used! I'm pretty sure it is a bundle monster one though.


  1. Beautiful! I am really into pink polish right now, which is not normal for me.

    I am happy to see you back. That nubar does have a jelly-bean like finifh to it - Take Care!

  2. beautiful ! i loved !

  3. candy girl is one of my favorite top coats :)

  4. Great pink base! Happy to see you're back!

  5. What I love most about this is the sparkly top coat...YAY!

  6. This is so beautiful!! I love the sparkle you added to it. I hope everything works out for you and things get back to normal.

  7. Wauw echt mooi gedaan
    ik volg je trouwens via bloglovin , volg je me terug? xx

  8. OMG!
    That nubar is delicious!And the misa glitter is so pretty!
    Following you!

  9. I LOVE LOVE your blog! You do the prettiest things! And they all turn out so lovely. I mess up so much. :( Anyhow, I don't have a ton of time to blog stalk on the computer, but they have this supercool app " bloglovin' " that will put all your new posts right to my smartphone. It would be awesome if you enable that, but if not, your blog still rocks my socks :D

  10. Love this cute design :)

  11. Wow I love these! Cannot wait to receive my bundle monster plates in the post! :0)

  12. Wow! Love this! And you have such a nice blog :)

  13. Love the Pink. Looking good. x

