Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Hey girls. Don't know if anyone even checks my blog anymore, but I thought I would check in. Those that follow me on facebook already know whats been going on, but for those who don't I thought I would let you all know.

I've been home from work for about a week and a half. First I hurt my back trying to move my bed back after cleaning out from under it. I was laid up in bed for about 5 days with that.

On Sunday I thought I was feeling well enough to go back to work on Monday. That night I was cooking a big ham. I took it out to baste it and when I went to put it back in the oven my back just wouldn't let me bend down enough to get it all the way in. The pan fell and severely burned my foot. I ended up having to go to the ER and have a second degree burn on my foot. Had I not been wearing socks when the hot juice splashed on my foot I don't think I wold have been burned as bad, but with the socks holding that hot liquid right next to my foot it really got a chance to burn my skin. It's been a little over a week since that happened and I am finally able to get back to work. My foot is still healing and it is probably going to scar a little unfortunately, but I guess it could have been worse.

My nail painting isn't really possible right now as I still have to keep my foot elevated. I do have some collections that I had already done that I am going to post for you all this week.

Now for the nasty (or good) part. If you are like me and like seeing pics of things like this then I included a couple pictures of my burned foot. If you don't like it then PLEASE just scroll right on past. Love you guys :)

This one was taken a few days after it happened. The red part is all missing skin where it was burned off.

This one I just took last night. You can see it has healed up a little. Those lines around my ankle are burns, they were marks that show the lines from my socks and where it held that hot juice against my foot.


  1. HOLY CRAP!! That looks so, so painful, though it looks like it's healing very well. I wish you a speedy recovery. Good to hear from you, even though it's not a great report. Hang in there!

  2. OUCH!!!!! A BIG OUCH!!!! Yes, I do still come to check your blog whenever you update so now I want to wish you a very quick and full recovery! The end of last month and begining of this one hasn't been so sweet for me either when it comes to health so I understand you. Please, take care, don't rush if you don't feel like to and I'll be here waiting to hear from you again ;)! My strength is with you! ^__^

  3. OMG!!!! that is a HUGE burn! I can't even begin to imagine the pain and everything you're going through! Please know you have a lot of support in the bloggy world from everyone.

    Wishing you a very speedy recovery!! <3

  4. OMG!! That looks painful! Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  5. I'm so sorry this happened to you! I wish you speedy and complete healing. I've struggled with a couple rounds of sciatica in the last year so I know how everything-- even the simplest things-- grind to a halt when your back is hurting. Looks like the burn is where it should be in terms of healing; hope that progresses speedily for you. I had a similar burn a few years ago...walked around with a sweater sleeve imprint on my wrist for a few weeks!

  6. I think we've all done it. I know I have. Why don't they put ovens at a more sensible height?

    Good luck with the healing.

  7. Omg, that looks so painful! I feel so sorry for you! I really hope you recover soon! And p.s. You'll always have this follower, even if she doesn't comment a lot ;)

  8. Oh NO!!! Chica, please take care of yourself, and I am so sorry to hear about your string of bad luck...I'll be sending all my prayers and good luck your way!!!! :) :)

  9. OMG! Girl, bless your heart! That looks so ridiculously painful! Take your time and heal...we will ll be here when you get back!

  10. That looks so painful!!! I am sorry that you are going through so much pain. Get well soon.

  11. OMG D: I hope you're feeling better. That's crazy!

  12. OH GAWDS!!!!!

  13. wow. can't even imagine what that feels like! feel better soon!

  14. I too wish you a speedy recovery! Can't imagine what it's like to be finally able to stand up straight and then get these horrible burns and be back to bed! Take your time healing and take it easy :)

  15. Holy cow! That looks so painful, you poor thing. Wishing you a super speedy recovery. /hugs.

  16. Oh poor Brooke! Of course we still read your blog. Here is to hoping you heal quickly!!!

  17. Holy Guacamole! I am so sorry you're having to deal with such PAIN!!! I hope you're all healed up soon and that the back issues will be...err...behind you soon.
    Back pain sucks and can lead to other injuries...as you well know now.
    Get well soon!

  18. oh my goodness! That is horrific! I hope it heals fast for you and your back pain diminishes as well.

    I check your blog often in case I miss a post - or puppy pic's

    Take care and take time to feel better.

  19. And ouch again. You poor thing, hope things improve soon.

  20. Oh my--what an awful burn! I hope you heal up as quickly as can be.

  21. OMG I am so sorry! I hope it will heal very fast and that you aren't in pain. :( Get well soon!

  22. That makes my foot hurt just looking at it. Get well soon!

  23. Oh goodness that looks painful. Please please take it easy and here is to a speedy recovery!

  24. I'm so sorry this happened to you! Your foot looks like it would be excruciatingly painful. Hope you make a speedy recovery.

    Something similar happened to my mom a few years ago. She was picking up a pot of boiling soup, and it must've been a very old pot because the bottom just fell out and all the boiling soup landed on the top part of her foot. She also had to go to the ER. It took weeks for it to heal because she was burned very badly (she also took photos), but when it healed, she was back to normal. Such a trooper. And I know you are, too!
    - Mary

  25. Oh my gosh! That is crazy...all of it! I hope you are doing better, or will be soon! Wow! Crazy!

  26. AHHHH I just had to grab my foot, that looks so painful!! Burns are the worst. I'd actually rather get shot than get burned.

    I hope you feel better soon!

  27. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  28. *GASP* Oh my! Please get well soon. Don't you do anything other than rest up! x

  29. damn!!! omg you really did a number on urself. well its good to know its healing and girl dont rush anything if you arent feeling well then just relax. i hope you get better soon.

  30. oh no! as has already been stated I am glad to know you are on the mend. Rest up and be careful!

  31. omgosh you poor thing! i'm glad to hear you're feeling a bit better. i always love reading your blog!

  32. Oh Brooke, I'm so sorry! I do check your blog every single day. I was wondering what happened to you. Those pictures look awful! That's some wicked burning. Your poor back also. Take care of yourself sweetie.

  33. Do the best you can to take care of yourself. I'm so sorry you've had such a crappy run of luck with your physical health. {{hugs}}

  34. Oh man thats one bad thing after another. Please get well.

  35. So sorry to hear all this. Wishing you a speedy recovery. I know 2nd degree burns are no fun. I had one down my arm from hot cheese that had fallen. It was very painful.
    Again, lots of hugs and well wishes your way! =)

  36. Oh my goodness, Brooke. OUCH. OUCHOUCHOUCH. You poor thing! *squishes and hugs* I just figured you'd been busy, I had no idea - since I don't go on FB at all these days. You get better soon!

  37. Ouch hope it will get better fast <3

  38. Ouch! Sorry for all your bad luck, and get better soon! And of course we check your blog, it's awesome! Hugs.

  39. Ouch! Very painful but it does look like it is healing well and with burns that is so important. And a bad back on top of it my prayers are with you. Hope you have a speedy recovery and are getting lots of Love from your family.

  40. Woah. You poor thing. I feel for you and hope you recover soon xx

    I also hope you are being waited on like a princess :)

  41. Oh my goodness! That looks sooo OWIES. Hope you feel better soon, and I just found your blog so I'm following now!

  42. awwwwwwww =( it looks like it's hurting like hell =( I'm really sorry for what happened to you, I hope it gets better as soon as possible! =/

  43. Hooooooly shit that's quite a burn. You're in my thoughts :)

  44. Aw.... hugs! I'm so sorry. I hope you're feeling much better with each day. You're definitely keeping an awesome attitude about it.

  45. OUCHIE! Get better soon, Brooke.

  46. OMG!!! So sorry to read about getting burnt like that! That looks soooo painful, you must have been in so much pain. I hope it doesn't leave to bad a scar after it fully heals. Keep us updated on it and get better soon :) I <3 your blog, it's one of my favorites!!!

  47. Oh my gosh!! I'm so sorry! I think burns are more painful than almost all other types of pain. Hope you're all better soon.

  48. oh my gosh I hope you get better soon!
