Thursday, May 26, 2011


Well, my nail polish room is coming along nicely. Last night I really worked on getting the room laid out how I want it. My original idea didn't work because of where the tv needed to be hooked up. So I switched it up and moved things around.

My idea is I would really like to paint the walls a lighter grey color with a darker grey for the windows and base boards. I have visions of a black and grey color scheme with punches of a brighter color, like turquoise.

I am going to paint this little table the tv is on black.
I also have some special shelves being built that will hang on this wall. They are black.

The corner with the boxes are my craft stuff. Plan on going through that and getting that stuff out of that corner soon.

My babies favorite spot. Dinky loves to be in here with me, you will always find her right there. If she had it her way she would be in my lap, but it's to hard to paint nails with her there - sorry Dinky!!
My chair needs to be recovered, but not sure how to go about doing that one just yet, and painting it black.

This is where the "magic" happens, lol. I do my sister's and mom's nails quite a bit, so I have a chair for them.
My plans are to recover this chair and paint it black.
I also plan on painting my desk black too.

Here is my nail polish stash. Both on top of the table and underneath.

Here is how my nail polish room started:

Ok - now for those who made it all the way through, I have some awesome news to share with you. A while ago I mentioned having a name my nail polish room contest. It's time ladies!! I will have more details coming, but let me just say the prize is going to be pretty cool - so get your thinking caps on!!


  1. wow!! a polish room!! I am drooling!!

  2. Definitely a nail polish haven! Nice to have an entire room dedicated to your "craft" - sweet...

  3. That is my dream room!!
    I wish I had a room for all my make up and my polishes! I love having everything super organized and a room just for my hobby would be a dream!
    Are you getting drawers for your polishes too or will you keep them in boxes?

  4. I soooo need a nail polish room!!! ... I LOVE your dresser ;p I have the same one :D

  5. I want a nail polish room!!
    I can't wait to see it all finished. I love the idea of the punches of turquoise (:

  6. I'd love to see how you recover that chair. I have a similar wooden/fabric chair that I want to recover.

  7. That's so cool that you have a nail polish room! I've never seen anyone own so many nail polishes before. Haha. Nice collection!

  8. Ughhhhh! Now THIS is a room! I'd give anything for a room I can dedicate to JUST BEAUTY!! A girl can dream right! LOL

  9. ZOMG look at all that polish! I'm jealous.

  10. This is going to be spectacular when it's all painted. That's wonderful that you can have a whole room. I'm dead jealous! I want a combination polish and makeup room. Not going to happen for me living in an apartment. I can only dream.

  11. this is just like my dream! i really want this room!!

  12. Awesome!!!!!! It's really coming along nicely. Of course I'm jealous. BTW my chihuahua always wants in my lap when I'm polishing too. So we compromised & he has a special comfy snuggly doggy bed right under my desk. There's barely any room for my feet - like I said it was a comprimise. LOL

  13. I have a polish room and currently redoing it too! I got some paint swatches today and I think Im going for a turquiose!

  14. envy mode. LOL you're polish room is awesome! i want to have mine as well! omg

  15. omg that is nail polish heaven. I can stare at these pictures for hours

  16. OMG a whole room devoted to nail polish! How cool, you lucky thing!
    My thoughts for the name would be:
    The Lacquer Lounge
    The Polish Parlour
    Temple of Talons
    Polish Palace
