Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Just thought I would give you guys an update on my burned foot. As you can see it is looking so much better! I'm not even needing to keep it bandaged anymore. I've been rubbing vitamin E oil on it to keep it from scarring (keeping fingers crossed).

Fat Meaty is at work with me today, so I thought I would cuten up the picture a little bit and pose my foot by her. From her expression below she thinks I still got a long way to go, lol!

As a little side note, as most of you know my last name is Bacon (best last name ever!!!!!!) so when I take my dogs to the vet they include my last name on to the dogs names. I swear when I named her (or any of my dogs) I didn't put their name and my last name together. Anyway, the vet was pointing out that her name is Fat Meaty Bacon! LMAO, I think that is so funny that it worked out like that, thought you guys might get a kick out of it too.


  1. looks good, So glad it healed well, when I read your post about the burn I was a bit stunned to see how much of your skin was burned.

  2. Fat Meaty Bacon. That is awesome! Your burn is healing very nicly. You're one lucky girl!

  3. Looking fab! Glad your ankle is doing better. I bet Fat Meaty loves Fat Meaty Bacon. Perfect name for a face like that! XD

  4. Fat Meaty Bacon is pretty darn hilarious and cute at once! Glad to see you are well on the mend :)

  5. Looking much better!

    Her name was adorable to start with but now its even cuter!

  6. That is rich, Fat Meaty Bacon! Looking adorable too. That really cracked me up. Your ankle is looing much better. My Aunt Sylvia always swore by vitamin E for burns. She said they healed a bad burn and left no scarring. Hope that it works well for you.

  7. It's getting a lot better! Lets keep our fingers crossed and hopefully it won't leave an ugly scar ;)

  8. There's a type of oil you get in capsules, it might well be Vitamin E I'm afraid I can't remember but it's well known for helping with burns. I hope it heals up fine soon <3 Why did you call your dog Fat Meaty, just out of curiosity? Haha, good name though :D she's so cute haha :D xxx

  9. Oh, honey, I'm so sorry about your burn. It looks terribly painful.

    Now you have me rolling with Fat Meaty Bacon. I have visions of the vet's assistant coming out into the lobby and calling out 'Fat Meaty Bacon??' Then you should yell out 'can I have 2 eggs over easy with that?'

  10. Hi! I don't really comment much (a long time lurker :P) but I wanted to say that I'm glad your burn is doing better and wanted to lol at the name. Usually, I don't really like animal names to be too silly, but I gotta say that I actually like her name now that it's matched up with your (very appropriate) last name :D

  11. Oh, I also just thought that Little is Little Bacon so Little Bacon goes for walks with Fat Meaty Bacon :D

  12. It's looking much better, yaay! Fat Meaty Bacon is adorable!

  13. LOL! Classic! Glad to see the burn is doing better :)

  14. Glad to see you're doing better! I'm sure the scar will eventually fade away with regular massages of vitamin E. Just keep massaging it in until it's almost gone. The rubbing will help break down any heavier scar tissue and improve circulation to the burn site.

    FYI, I think your getchanailsdid at yahoo email got hacked. I received spam from that address last night. :(

  15. I'm so glad your foot is doing better! And her name is so funny :D

  16. So glad your foot is healing so well! I always get tickled at the vet when they add our last name!

    As soon as things get closer to normal, I am all over getting that beer w/ you!

  17. You look like you are healing really well- I'm so happy for you! The vitamin E is a wonder for any kind of skin healing, for real. Worked wonders on my scar.
    And... FAT MEATY BACON... Banana Bacon... Dinky Bacon... Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!
    That is totally FABULOUS! I knew your last name, but I never thought about those combos! Thank you, I SO needed a smile today- that is wonderful! :D

  18. its healing up nicely. good to know ur ok

  19. Your ankle looks great! Your doing great with the "at home nursing". :)

    Fat Meaty is one of Dinky's pups, right? I can't believe they're not those tiny, roley poley pups anymore. Did you keep the other one too? SO CUTE!! I want a chihuahua.
