Friday, April 8, 2011


I know, I know!!! I haven't posted anything all week, and then when I finally do it's a huge, mouthwatering cookie!

I have been holding the fort down here at work while my boss has been on vacation this week, so I haven't had much time to make this a priority. I have been holding these pics all week if that makes anyone feel any better! :)

As soon as I saw these I KNEW I needed one in my mouth. These are awesome! Recipe can be FOUND HERE! I doubled my recipe since I was planning on taking some to my dad and sister over the weekend and I think it made the batter a little bit more thick and mine didn't "melt" down as much as the original recipe, but the taste was still out of this world! Especially good fresh out of the oven when the oreo creme center is all warm and gooey and melty :)

These cookies are HUGE!!! Which one is like eating three cookies, so you don't need many of them.


  1. Oh my.. *drools* That looks SO delicious!

  2. to each their own but that looks disgusting.

  3. Brooke hun, this post is not helping my cravings! I NEED these right now! lol

  4. *drooooool* I want these NOW! It think I found my next baking recipe.

  5. I actually made the baby sister of these today (using mini oreos) omg they are so good...^_^

  6. Hmmm...not chocolatey enough. These should be dipped in chocolate and rolled in chocolate jimmies and washed down with a double chocolate fudge espresso.

    I kid, I kid.

    These look yummy to me but I'm not gonna make them or I won't fit into my clothes. :)

  7. ohh, I want too taste one :)I think I have to try to do these. I read the recipe, can you please tell me how much butter I shall use because in Sweden we buy butter in package of 500gram. Thank you!

  8. that looks so wrong, yet so right... yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  9. STILETTO - Sorry girl!! Your are preggo so you get a pass, I say make them and then do what I do, pass most of them off to other people!! :)

    ASA - 2 sticks of butter is 226 grams. Let me know how these turn out for you! (I'm sure you could use any chocolate chip cookie dough recipe, and it would work just fine)

    ZAZZUU - Girl, you have no idea how close I was to drizzling the tops with chocolate - no joke!! lol

    PATRICIA - I never even thought of using those mini oreos, I bet that would work better if you needed to make alot of them. Thanks for the idea :)

  10. That cookie must taste like sex. wow Im drooling!

  11. Now I have translated the recipe so maybe I´ll do them this weekend. I´ll tell you when I have done them. Thanks!! And have a nice weekend.

  12. No, but seriously....dipping these in chocolate would be amazing.
    It would also probably give you diabetes and send you into cardiac arrest on the spot, but it would be so so so sooo good.

  13. O-M-G! What are you trying to do to me, woman? Must. think. spring. and. summer. and. bathing suit.
    Ignore. scrumptious. treat!


  14. you are EVIL! chocolate chip cookies are my weakness, especially if they are underdone and chewy! and i love oreo's//

  15. Those suckers are huge! Look yummy.

  16. That's the most evil cookie I've ever seen! ;)
    I can feel these going straight to my thighs by just looking at the picture... hehe... love your blog btw!

  17. Yummy! Now I know what to bake to work next week. then I'll end up eating just one or two instead of all (what would happen if I'd made it just to be eaten at home...)

  18. WHOA that's a lot of cookie. I just got my Girl Scout cookies... I wonder if I could do this with a thin mint...

  19. Yummmmmmyyyyyyyyyyyyyy i'd like to eat one ^^^

  20. Since these cookies are soooo huge, I'm thinking that maybe just by lifting one to my mouth to eat it may be all the 'exercise' I need!! ♥

  21. oooooooohhhh... I need to bake these too! Yummy!
