Wednesday, March 23, 2011


True Beauty - I call this an army green. I'm kind of on the fence on weather I like it or not - what do you guys think?


  1. I love it. It makes me smile when I wear a polish like this and someone says "I didn't even know they MADE nail polish in that color."
    We do goodie boxes for our local troops stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan once a month and I think it would be fun to wear this color with some nail art rank patches when I go down to help with packaging.

  2. I like it, somehow autumnal colors, though.

  3. Oh wow! That is such an awesome color! I love these kinds of creamy muted "muddy" shades! I think it looks fantastic on you!

    I just wanted to thank you for all these awesome Icing swatches. It's very rare to see swathes and reviews of this brand!

    I've become totally obsessed with this Icong ever since I won two in a giveaway not long ago. I fell completely in love with the formula and brush! It's just so frustrating that I cannot get them here where I live. I wish Icing would consider opening a online store so the polishes could be a bit more accessible for us outside of the US. I would buy every single polish if they did that, LOL!

    Thanks so much again for these awesome swathes, more please :D

  4. This is my favorite shade of green. I always buy every brand in this shade. A bit crazy but it's gorgeous.

  5. Love this! Green is my favorite and this is the shade I love most!

  6. It's pretty, but True Beauty is definitely not the first name to pop in to my head when I look this color. LOL I like it, though.

  7. I absolutely love it ! I'm not into greens usually but this one is really gorgeous :)

  8. oh man i love this. it reminds me of RBL No More War only less gross--enough that i totally dig it!

  9. This is my fave kind of green! Love it!

  10. i think the army green has a nice oomph to it!

  11. I have this color and it is NOWHERE near as beautiful as yours. Mine looks like... urm... something you'd find in a baby diaper! Muted and dish-watery. Waaaa :'( I've noticed this about some Icing colors. I have 2 polishes of the exact same name and they are two totally different pigment types. One is thick and gorgeous and the other is thin and transparent. Its not evaporation, because the polish level is the same in both bottles. I bought them during separate visits thinking they were different polishes. Oh well... Yours is a beautiful green :) Maybe I'll find it next time thinking I need this color, too! LOL!
