Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Hey all! Just wanted to check in real quick. Oklahoma is currently under a thick blanket of snow! We had a big storm come in last night and we have about 12" of snow and huge drifts from all the wind we got during. I swear our next door neighbors have a snow drift that has to be 5 FEET tall. Anyway, we have just had a lazy day and I worked on the nail polish roses and will have the post up tomorrow so please make sure you all come back tomorrow to enter in the contest.



  1. Ugh! If Albuquerque got that much snow, the whole city would shut down!! We have less than 6", but we have a ton of ice and people/drivers are idiots around here.

  2. I hear ya! We got hit, too- 21 inches of snow in last night's storm! It is all clean and white and pretty, but NOTHING is moving. At all.
    Usually our dog is taking advantage of the snow by running around like a wildebeest, but she is completely baffled by this amount- she just stands there and tries to sniff.
    In two days it will all be gray and dirty and city-like again, so I'm just trying to enjoy the silence and the natural beauty right now. That is- until the snow blowers start up again. Boy they are loud. But man, do I ever wish we had one... it just took me over an hour to shovel out around the fire hydrant in front of our house. Excuse me, I hear an ADVIL calling my name...
    Have a great snow day, and be safe!

  3. Your area is really being hit with snow. Thankfully we haven't gotten any lately. We're due sometime this week. Have fun with the snow.

  4. I have family in Oklahoma too, but a bit north of you....in Jet. I don't think they have as much snow as you, but definitely cold windy weather. Stay warm :)

    Love the blog (and the pictures of the puppies)
