Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Goooooood Morning! Today I thought I would share a few pics of my future nail polish room. I say future because I have ALOT of work to do on this room to make it how I want it. But I thought these would be good "before" pictures.

I literally just unpacked a bunch a boxes and straightened this room up last night! I know it doesn't seem cool yet, but it will!

I am envisioning a wall of nail polish racks (Dad doesn't know he is helping me build those yet!!). I have a desk that I will be using to paint my nails, but it is in storage at my sisters house and I haven't gotten it back just yet, so a card table is what I am using for now.

I want to recover that brown chair. I kind of have a black and turquoise theme in mind for this room.

Can you spot the Banana? What about the cool Coors Light hat as wall decoration?? lmao!!!

I have this little shelf that I plan on stocking with all the stuff that I use the most. I am going to spray paint it to match my black and turquoise theme . . . .eventually! Underneath that pile of clothes is another chair. It was the chair I re-did, already in the black and turquoise. It went with my desk that I will use as my nail polish station. I would like to get a manicure table but I'm looking for a really good deal on one. I've been checking craigslist, anyone have any other ideas where to find one cheap?

Also thought I would snap a pic of MOST of my polish. Yes, there is polish in the boxes to the left of my storage bins and polish in both boxes sitting in front. I also have about another 150-200 more bottles not shown here.

I love that I walk in this room and it smells like nail polish :) I have a lot of work to do, but I really think I'm going to enjoy doing it.

I need to come up with a cool name for my room. Maybe a little contest is in order . . . .


  1. Wow I'm so jealous! You have so many polishes. One day I want my own polish room :) x

  2. So Jealous! Are you going to set up a little table for pictures? I love how in the previous post you had not just a regular white back drop for the pictures of the nail polish bottles! can't wait to see the finished product!

  3. Jealous!!! I wish I had a special room! :)

  4. I can't wait to see what the room will look like once its complete

  5. Ah, you lucky girl! Have you tried Ebay for a mani table? Maybe one that you could pick up yourself?

  6. I'm so excited to see the finished room!

  7. Your room is going to be awesome! I love the turquoise and black theme. You could use a whole BANK of Ikea Helmers! (they really DO rock)
    I like that chair you plan to recover- it's a great design.
    It also looks like you'll get great natural light in there. (when it doesn't stay dark 15 hours a day, that is...)
    Super awesomely cool. You'll have to show us progress pictures! I'm very envious! ;-)

  8. I love that you have a polish room, definitely a contest to name the room is in order :)

  9. like everyone else above JEALOUS!!! what a wonderful idea! and a nice treat for yourself =]

  10. That's just what I would love! I'm so happy for you having one whole room just for yourself. I like the future color combination. Sounds really pretty.

  11. I love it! I wish I could decorate and design a polish room, but I don't think my one bedroom apt is up for it.

  12. This will be an awesome room!
    It's great that you are able to have your own room for polish. I wish I could. Then people wouldn't complain about the fumes lol.
    Can't wait to see how it progresses! The color combo sounds beautiful. =)

  13. awesome room!!! i wish i have a nail room so that my sister and my cat wont complain about the nail polish smell anymore.

  14. This is possibly the coolest post I have ever read! I can't wait to see the finished room xx

  15. Uau - I'm like really envious at the moment. :D
    Please post pictures when your "done".

  16. I can't wait to see it when it's done.
    And do a contest! Haha I already have an idea for a name.

  17. You sew too (I spy a sewing machine)? So do I, but sadly I've been discouraged lately by fit issues. Plus painting my nails is instant gratification, so I've been picking up the polish instead of the patterns lately.

  18. That's so cool that you have your own room just for nail polish! I can't wait to see "after" pics. Also, I'm jealous of your huge collection. :)

  19. woo hoo for a nail polish room! can't wait to see it all fixed up.. so jealous!
