Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Well I have a wonderful puppy update for you all. The little boy's eyes popped open! He had one open last night and then this morning before we left for school and work he had both little eye bippies open!

Little Fat Meats has the smallest cracks in her eyes but they are not open yet. I'm thinking by tonight or in the morning her's should be wide open.

The little boy even has started trying to walk now that his eyes are open and he can see where he is going.

Dinky has been such a good momma!

This is what the puppies do for 50% of the day, the other 50% is spent drinking milks!

How soft and cuddly does he look here? He was sleeping on my lap like this last night.


  1. I think I just fainted from all the cuteness!.

  2. Oh...my....goodness...they're so cute I could die from their cuteness.

  3. Oh dear God they are adorable

  4. OMG I want him so bad he is just the cutest thing in the whole wide world!

  5. No words... you're so blessed with these beauties!

  6. How sweet those babies are! Lots of puppy breath to look forward to. Glad Dinky is such a good Mommy. How's the Daddy doing?

  7. Omg, I want to reach through my computer and take them! Soo cute!
    And I'm glad Dinky doing just fine. :D

  8. Darling babies! The cuteness is off the scale on the one of the boy sleeping on your lap. They're so precious.

  9. Are you planning on keeping the puppies? I would get way too attached to not. thanks for the updates!

  10. I can smell the puppy breath just looking at these be-bes. :) Kisses to them.

  11. puppppeeeeezzzzzzz!!!! They are so cute!!

  12. OH! Crikey- they are too cute! Little fuzzy- wuzzies... They look like little furry apostrophes laying in their little beige bed! (hey- they're almost laying in a Yin and Yang pose!)
    Oh. MY. God. they are so cute. Seriously, how do you ever leave them?
