Friday, December 17, 2010


This is my NOTD. Finally almost a FULL YEAR after Kae sending me this I am trying it! I know, I'm a bad person!! Kae from THE HUNGRY ASIAN made this and another franken for me last year around Christmas time and while going through and trying to get all my untrieds lumped into one place I came across the two frankens she sent me.

She named this one Twenty Ten, I think for New Years that was right around the corner, see like I said - almost a year later (hanging head in shame!). The base of this polish was kind of a sheer black color and her note she sent with it said I needed three coats, so in order to speed the process along a little bit I did a base coat and only 2 coats of the glitter bomb Twenty Ten.

The nurse at my son's doctors appointment oooohed and aaahhhed over this and asked if it was the new Christmas color that just came out, lol! Little did she know this was last years color (again: head. . . hang . . . shame . . . ).


  1. I would ooooh and ahhhh over this one, too!! A year?! How COULD you?! LOL

  2. Kae makes some amazing frankens. This is a beauty. All that lovely glitter! Have a good weekend. (((hugs))

  3. Aww thanks Brooke for trying my franken! I think this was my 3rd or 4th franken ever made so it requires lots of shaking lol. Have a great weekend! give dinky a hug for me too :D

  4. Oh Boy that's a beautiful polish! I would buy it :)

  5. That looks amazing!! Btw I am so glad your back to posting!

  6. I'd pretend to be Santa but actually be the Grinch and steal this beauty of a polish from you!!! ;)

  7. Wow this is terrific! I love those colors of glitter together!

  8. wow.. love that franken polish... XD

  9. This is a beautiful glitter bomb!
