Monday, December 6, 2010


Hello all! Don't know if anyone even checks this page anymore.... but wanted to check in with you all. I have had so much going on and things are hopefully going to settle down enough for me to start painting my nails again!

First things first, just got done with a big move and trying to get settled in. I have a "nail polish room" in the works as we speak.

The second big announcement is Dinky is having babies!! She is due sometime next week and can't wait to see her Christmas babies!! Yes, Banana is the daddy!

The third thing was my camera broke and finally got me a new one!

This blog was just so time consuming and it kind of got the best of me for a while. The joy of doing my nails was sort of over run with product reviews and I spent most of my time swatching and NOT painting my nails for me to enjoy. So I'm going to start off slow and not do a hundred posts in one day and get back to the joy of my blog!


  1. Glad to see you're doing alright!

  2. glad to hear from dinkys gonna be a mama--awww :)..glad to hear from you and all is well.

  3. I have been checking your blog regularly hoping to hear from you. So glad to hear you want to post again. Yay for Dinky. Can't wait to see puppy pictures!. Kelly

  4. It's good to hear from you. Blogging is no fun when it becomes work. Good for you,taking a break. It's so exciting to hear that Dinky's going to be a mommy! Hope to see your lovely nails again soon. Take care.

  5. I'm glad to hear you're still around! Yay for new puppies. :D You get a polish room?! I'm totally jealous.

  6. Missed you! Glad to see you're settling in well.

    I wanna Dinky baby. Planning a trip to the DC area anytime soon? :)

  7. I ALWAYS check. :o) I really enjoy your blog. Good for you in slowing down and getting back to what blogging means to YOU though. I support that. Also congratulations to Dinky and Banana! OMG, those babies are going to be sooooo cute! Can't wait to see them. Hope you'll share pics. Hope Ollie's well.

  8. Bloggers need breaks too, mama. We'll see you when you get back. :)

  9. Welcome back!
    Can't wait to see the pics of the puppies! Congratulations.

    Slow & steady wins the race.
    It can be very easy to become overwhelmed w/ our own perceived resposibilites of blogging. It's great to hear from you Brooke!
    You have a lot on your plate. I hear ya! :O)

  10. It's good to hear from you! I missed you lots! :)

    Take your time and go at whatever pace is good for you. We'll be here whenever you care to share.

    And no pressure, but OMG CANNOT WAIT to see Dinky Banana baby pictures!!!! *Sqqqqquueeeeee*

  11. Look who popped to the top of my blogroll. It's good to see you again. :)

  12. Glad you are doing well! Aw, that's so cute dinky having babies :)

  13. Good to hear you are doing well! I've missed you!

    Congratulations to Dinky and Banana! Can't wait to see puppy pics. Hehe.

  14. Yay babies!

    Can't wait to see you posting again!

  15. alway's check, glad to see you'll be back!

  16. ООО, Какие слова... супер, великолепная идея

  17. A room devoted to polish?! I love it! :)

  18. Yay! I missed you and your blog! I can't wait to see Dinky's babies.

  19. Miss you and your sassiness bunches! I can't wait to see your polish room and Dinky pregnant...and Dinky babies will be so cute!

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. can't wait to have you back and see you doing what you enjoy =)

  22. Can you tell you have been missed!!!

    Well, screw the hater...however, I am looking to seeing you back to posting. Having your own room is sweet! I have a workout/office room of my own and I love it!!!

  23. Nice to hear from you!, glad to know you are doing well.
    Omg a room for nail polish?! ^_^, can't wait to see it.

  24. There's always a troll.... Kelly

  25. I don't know how you did it all. Raising Little, working, taking care of your home and man. That's so much work and then you blog and swatched like an insane woman. I'd rather you posted less than not at all. You've moved also which is major. I knew Dinky would get pregnant! Congrats. Can't wait to see her pregnant little belly. So glad your back and don't wear yourself out again. Love and (((hugs))). I did check every day. Except today I was late getting on the blogs.

  26. Hey Brooke! I'm so glad you're doing great. congrats on the move, the new room and Dinky's soon to be puppies! I can't wait to see it all. Have a wonderful Xmas.

  27. i've been looking forward to a new post but i know your a busy person. it's ok. it's good to know that you are doing fine. i do hope that your ?Chi will have a safe delivery:]

  28. I've missed you! Glad to know all is well! :o)

  29. THANKS LADIES!!! I missed you all bunches and can't wait to get back into the swing of things again.

    PS I LOOOOOOVE being able to delete comments from anon (OF COURSE!!) rage-aholics!! Any form of negativity WILL NOT be tolerated on my blog - we don't have to agree - but being negative about it I WILL NOT stand for!

  30. LMAO at the crazy dog person! I am glad you were able to delete it too, I saw it last night! I am so glad to hear you will be joining us again, I will be happy to see anything you post, whether its every single day or once a month! and congrats to Dinky!

  31. Glad to see you're coming back! Looks like the break has been a positive one for you, polish room, puppies and a new camera - Booya!!!

  32. I can't wait for you to be back, take it easy posting wise we'll always be here for you! :D

  33. I'm so glad you're back! I have a little girl Chi named Mocha that looks SO much like Banana (love your babies' names by the way)! I'm with Smoochiefrog; I want a Dinky & Banana baby too! Any desire to see the wonderful city of Cleveland?! ;) :D Take care! Tina

  34. happy to see you are back - take your time and post when you feel like it - looking forward to seeing your 'polish room' = also my goodness, that cute lil dog is having puppy's!

    xoxo ~ Dolly

  36. ooooh babies!!!! I want puppies has been too long.....please let me know if you need moral support, i am here for you :)

  37. Brooke! So glad to hear from you! You are going to be one busy lady with babies in the house. My mouth dropped when I read that.
    Nail polish room and you busy!
    Yes, start out slow...
    Can't wait to see more from you.

  38. Yippee - so glad you're back! :-)
