Thursday, August 12, 2010


I know you haven't seen much posting from me this week. I had a bout of nail breaks come over me - I broke all but three of my nails in the past week and a half and finally gave it up and cut the remaining 3 nails off yesterday. Not that there is anything wrong with short nails, I just don't prefer them on me and I don't like the way swatches look on my short nails.

I'm thinking I might put on some acrylic nails this weekend so that I can get back to the swatching that I have to do. I might even PAY someone to put them on me, lol! I just haven't felt like swatching or even doing my nails for that matter because they are all so short.

Luckily I have another mani I did on my sister to share with you all. This was done at the same time of the pedi I showed you earlier this week. You will see the similarities between the two.


  1. Hi! Nice blog you got there :)
    I'm a follower now!

    Maybe you can follow my blog too?

  2. Gah, I hate it when a nail breaks, and then they're all uneven! I just cut mine down to nubbins after one broke. :(

    Love the fun french main, though - it's super cute!

  3. So sorry about your nails. Do the acrylics if you need to. Whatever makes you happy. You sound a bit down in the dumps. Things will get better and nails do grow! You need nails like Andrea, they grow like mad. As for people who are nasty just ignore them. There's always someone whose unhappy with themselves. They have to take it out on others to make themselves feel important. I feel sorry for them. Love your sister manicure. The bows are cute. Guess she didn't want to scare the baby with her skulls! He is gorgeous, God bless him.

  4. So sorry about your nails. Do the acrylics if you need to. Whatever makes you happy. You sound a bit down in the dumps. Things will get better and nails do grow! You need nails like Andrea, they grow like mad. As for people who are nasty just ignore them. There's always someone whose unhappy with themselves. They have to take it out on others to make themselves feel important. I feel sorry for them. Love your sister manicure. The bows are cute. Guess she didn't want to scare the baby with her skulls! He is gorgeous, God bless him.

  5. Boooo about the broken nails! I'm afraid I'll have to be doing that here pretty soon. Cute mani for your sister, though!

    BTW, I tagged you for a Friendly Blogger award:

  6. Oh, I HATE that, I hate doing swatches on my short nails - I do it anyway because I'm not good with acrylics. It's frustrating waiting for them to grow back out.
    This mani is so cute! Really adorable and I bet it's awesome with the pedi haha!

  7. Hopefully, your nails will grow back quickly. And seeing your sis' mani is a just making me grin. I think she'd be a fine nail mascot for Libby's Pink Vanity. :)

  8. Nice mani on your sis! I hate my hands with short nails, too...
    Hope they grow back quickly :-)

  9. Although your nails are short, they always look super cute!
    Come on Brooke, are you a professional in nail art or what?!

  10. I feel your pain, babe - I feel your pain :)

  11. Really cute nails ;)
    Visit my blog if you want -

  12. sorry about your nails. i had to cut mine off too :(

  13. omg how many time do you need to make those nails?? :)
    nice blog you have... I'm a follower :D

    visit me:

  14. Hi I just started my own blog called nailed it! I was wondering if you could follow and maybe spread the word? I really want followers and comments. its

  15. Sorry you had to cut...but what a cute mani!

  16. that mani is too cute! Maybe you should try glue on nails for the weekend for swatching purposes?

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