Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Here are a few LA Colors swatches for you. These polishes can be found at your local Dollar Tree when in stock.

The very last color was the one I had on before I hurt my back. I can attest that these colors wear awesome. I had it on for a full 7 days with not a single chip, of course I wasn't up doing much, just laying on the couch so maybe that had something to do with it.

(These two pics are more color accurate)


  1. So do these not have names? ...All the L.A. Colors I've seen have names. I'm confused. These are all very pretty, though - I especially love the yellow/gold; it's very unique!

  2. Gorgeous shades. I have some LA Colors and they are nice. I can't believe the size of Ollie! He really has grown. He such a sweet little boy. God bless him.

  3. I picked up a bright royal blue a couple weeks ago. It had a name, but I can't remember what it was. I hate that they put the names on the package but not on the bottle. I really like that pink!

  4. ZARA - They do have names, but as Megan said, they put them on the packages and not on the bottles. I didn't realize that until after I had taken them all out of their packages and couldn't tell which name went with which bottle. Sorry :)

    LUCY - He has gotten so big. His first birthday is August 1st!!

  5. i really like the reddish shade and the teal! and they are sooo affordable = :D

  6. I got a bunch of them at my DT. Are the creme ones jelly? They sure look like it from your pictures. (I hope they are) The names are on the package. I may buy some stickers and put them on the bottom of the bottles :)

  7. These are all pretty. I'm soooooooo glad I found most of them. And for $1, you can't beat that with a bat.

  8. the opaque teal is PERFECT for a pedicure. I had it on for TWO WEEKS without a single chip!! NONE!

  9. Wow these are so cute! I really really like that yellow!

  10. I really like the shimmery blue-teal.
