Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I know - HOT, right? Helen from JUST NICE THINGS sent me this lovely polish. I mean what isn't to love about this dark blue jelly? I LOVE that it is the darkest possible blue you can get without looking totally black. Thanks again Helen, this color is just beautiful.


  1. I'm going to be such a spoilsport and say it does look black. Sorry.

  2. That is gorgeous! I love blue jellies, I think I have 4 now but not this one.

  3. It tried this on at the counter, it is the most fabulous shade! In day light it's the most rich shade of dark navy but at night looks almost completely black!

  4. really beautiful!
    it has such depth!

  5. I'm kinda diggin' it...It's interesting that is does what "bluing" does...it makes the unpolished part of the nail bed look so white!
    Pretty color...is it an oldie but goodie or still available?

  6. Ohh man that is a great color! I would die for that! I love the name of it too! I love when polishes have good names ;)

  7. Holy crap that is amazing! I love that color, such a deeeeeep deeeeeeeeeeeep blue! Think of how awesome that would be with some silver glitter frankened in! :D

  8. Love this dark blue! Looks divine on you. I have to check and see if I have this. I'm always looking for a polish to match one I bought at Bath & Body Works a million years ago. It was a navy jelly and I have a tiny little bottle of it. This looks very close to it.

  9. It looks so good. Your application is perfect - I know from first hand experience that this can be a tricky little monster to apply cleanly.

    Yay - I'm glad you're still loving it a year on :)
