Tuesday, June 22, 2010


About 2 weeks ago I finally took the plunge and got some Minx nails. I did a search for salons in my area that do Minx nails from Minx's website. I found one close and stopped in.


YUKON, OK 73099

I didn't have an appointment, but they were able to have someone help me right away. Chi took me to her table and gave me a book full of Minx nails to choose from. I had seen some really cute red white and blue nautical themed ones on Minx's website but they didn't have them. Since Little had to come with me I let him choose the design.

The one I wanted.

The one I got.

The process takes about an hour, mine took a little longer because Little was with me and needless to say he was bored out of his mind. They are basically stickers they heat up with a lamp and apply to your nail and then they paint a coat of gel over it and set it with a UV lamp. Sorry, but I forgot to get pictures of my nails!

Chi told me that it would last longer on acrylic nails than it would on my natural nails. I paid $35 for my Minx nails and was on my way. I had these done on a Wednesday night because I had a party to go to on Friday for my parents and sister's stores grand opening. By Friday afternoon I had peeling on most nails and the gel had started to flake off in certain areas. By 5 o'clock I couldn't take it any more and just peeled the minx off since it had started coming off on most nails. It came off like a big sticker.

While I liked the Minx nails I don't think that I would pay $35.00 for them again unless I had a really special event that I had planned, and then I would have them done that very day so that they would last long enough. I'm glad I got them done, but I honestly don't see spending that kind of money for "nail stickers" again.

I do want to state again, these could last longer on fake nails, but they didn't make it past day 3 on my natural ones. I don't think it was salon or manicurist error - just the way of the beast with Minx. I would definitely visit Polished Nail salon again.

Painted on a wall at the salon! I am sooo stealing this and using it as my motto!


  1. Too bad about the minx lasting less than 2 days, that sucks..but that motto on the wall..is awesome!

  2. BAAAHHH two days?! Gees. Next time get it done the same day as your event. Maybe she didn't clean your nails properly. x.x I've heard them lasting MUCH longer.

  3. WOW, that all you got out of them huh? I had heard they lasted so much longer. I agree with you 100%...SO not worth the money for them to just peel off within a couple of days. Bummer.

  4. Def. not worth it I thought it last for a couple of months. Thanks for trying it out for us.

  5. $35??? You did type in $35??? Not a typo?? Did you get a pedi with it? A hair wash and dry? A massage?? Tell me SOMETHING else came with that $35 minx besides peeling within two days!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE that new motto of yours!! *note to self - get a t-shirt with that motto on it!!*

  6. i love that motto too!!!! can i share it with you haha

  7. 3 days???? That sucks! I guess all the hype means nothing...

  8. So, basically, you spent $35 on stickers you could've done yourself? Wow. That sucks!! At least it sounds like you found a good salon, though.

  9. no pics of the mani? bummer on the price. can we do these ourselves? LOL thanks for sharing.

  10. Well that certainly stinks. Nice to get pampered but that was too much. What a shame you didn't get any good wear from them. I liked the design that Little picked out. He has good taste. I also like the motto!

  11. It's weird she applied a coat of gel, for as far as I know there is no gel involved in applying Minx!Thin coats of gel never last!(unless it's a soak off gel)
    You should ask CND what they think about this:)

  12. That sucks butt. I can't lie, I would have asked for my money back. I can understand that they last longer on acrylic nails, but $35 dollars for two days?! That $35 could have bought lots of nail polish that you could have worn for tons of days.
    But the salon looks beautiful and relaxing.

  13. That's too bad they didn't last long at all :( And $35? I'd rather hodge-podge something onto my nails haha.

    Thanks for checking them out, though!

    PS - I gave you an award on my blog :)

  14. love that motto! and yeah, like chaosbutterfly said $35 could have bought you a nice stash of polishes from transdesign or something!! lol

  15. Wow that stinks it didn't last that long! My salon charges double that for minx and that is why I don't get them done. I only rock my polish for about a week anyway before I change it up. Great post though, would have loved to see pictures!

  16. They look nice, but that's too bad that they didn't last longer. I can maybe see myself trying these out, but I don't know if I can justify the cost.
