Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Ok, for all you smart ladies out there that guessed that big basket of goods was for a giveaway - give your self a pat on the back! I have really tried to include lots of my Dollar Tree finds that I have come across, so that it isn't just something you can pick up at the corner store. I am working on a full list of all the polishes to be included and the rest of the details - but will have it all posted up today. (This will include you wonderful International ladies)

It never fails, some one will leave me a comment on this post trying to enter, so I repeat IT IS NOT TIME TO ENTER YET! I will post up the contest a little later today and entering the contest will start then.

As most of you pointed out - I have reached 1,000 followers (O-M-G!!!!) - however, this really was just a coincidence that it fell right at the time I was doing this giveaway. But hey, what perfect timing, right?
I never in a million years when I started this blog think I would ever reach this many followers. I remember waiting for even 1 follower, lol. I love watching my follower count grow with each day because it means that all my hard work is appreciated and that what I am doing is enjoyable to you all. I am very humbled by this fact and appreciate each and every one of you!! I wish I could send a bottle of polish to every single one of you, wouldn't that be so cool?? However, since I can't do that I can say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart :)


  1. A giveaway who would have guessed it's not like if the hints were easy to understand lol
    you deserve all your followers we appreciate a lot your hard work

  2. Congratulations to all your followers, I wish you a good day !
    Hugs, Andreea!

  3. You blog is off the chain!!! Congrats.

  4. Ok, Ladies, & gents, this is POPULARITY!
    I'm so happy! I never saw someone reach so many followers WOW! it's great, (and I'm -small- part of it!)

  5. I really enjoy your blog - it gives me something to aspire to. I know what you mean about "waiting for 1 follower" - I was happy when I got a follower that I didn't personally know or was related to. LOL Congrats!! You deserve it. :)

  6. wow! 1000 followers! you deserve it.

  7. Brooke - your blog is one of the BEST and is truly one of my favorites.. that is why you have over 1000 followers! you ROCK!

  8. ahw, what a sweet post.
    I think you deserve the followers!

  9. I always look forward to reading your blog! Congrats on 1000!

  10. Congrats to you for 1000 Followers!

    When you posted about finding all that stuff at your dollar tree it made me go on a hunt at one I have around me didn't find anything as cool as your finds! a black nail polish which I should have gotten but put it back 'cause I wanted moreeeee! I still have another Dollar Tree that I can go look at! I so hope I can find some cool stuff too!

  11. Congratulations!! I love reading your blogposts (although I don't leave that much comments *teehee*)
    Looking forward to the giveaway and more of your wonderful posts!

  12. 1000 followers! Yay!!! I can't imagine reaching that number! You deserve at least 1000 more - I love your blog!

  13. it is no suprise you have made it to 1,000 followers - when i am reading nail blogs i start by opening yours first to read and then i sign in to blogger to look at the rest of my reading list

  14. Brooke,

    You deserve each and every one of those followers. You have a fantastic blog, you’re a doll, and you've got one great sense of humor! I love your blog and always recommend it to others!


  15. Awwwwwwwwwwww ur Welcome girl and,
    CONGRAT'S on the Follwer's =-)

  16. Brooke, although i don't comment too much, i have to say that your blog is in my top 5.
    Because life is not just about polish, you almost open the door of your house to us, and that shows some kind of humble and simplicity.
    I don't think it's fun a blog just about nails or polish, so professional and directed to market. It's just not fun to read.
    You show your beautifull nails and work, but so much more.
    Besides having cool nails, you must be a very cool lady!
    Keep up the best blog!

  17. And thank YOU for all your lovely pix and generally fab site!


  18. i do appreciate all your hard work

  19. Congrats on 1000 followers!

  20. Hi!
    Gongrats on the 1000, wish it was me (got 8). Idea: (is that spelled right?) Could you, in your next Give-away, maybe give 1 bottle to 33 people in stead of 33 bottles to 1?
    Well anyway, i hope i win, that would be so cool!

    - Iben (from Denmark) NaarTaviKan.blogspot.com

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. IBEN - I would LOVE to do that but the shipping costs would eat me alive! So instead of doing a bunch of little giveaways I like to do one big one! Thank you for the input though, sometimes you all come up with some really good ideas, this one just isn't feasable money wise for me.

  23. I really do appreciate all your hard work. Your so informative, funny and warm. You invite us into your life and I feel privelaged to know you. Thank you and congratulations for 1000+ Followers. Love you.

  24. wow...that's a lot of followers and a huge accomplishment!

  25. Way to go on all those followers. I'm not surprised though because your blog is awesome! =)

  26. Congrats on 1000. You completely deserve it. I can always tell you put a tonne of work into each one of your entries.

  27. Congrats on all the followers!!! I love your blogs!

  28. wow congrats, i only have a quarter of the number of followers that you have but im already extremely happy, can't imagine having 1000 like you haha.

    i'm a new follower, hope you could follow too

    www.lalelilalu.blogspot.com thanks!
