Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I know - more spam! I'm trying to decide if I should take pictures of the mani I did last night and show you all or not. I didn't execute it well at all and I know in macro mode I'm going to end up hating it!! Honestly, only one nail turned out semi-good. What a disappointment, lol. SO while I'm trying to figure out if I am going to show my NOTD fail - take a look at some of my brighter nail moments :)

I REALLY need to get my 3D moulds out again and use them. This is a slam dunk for awesome!


  1. :D
    I just LOVE the different colored polka dot one! Its so bright and cheery!!

  2. I like the pastel one (I think you made it with ChG from Up and Away collection) and the pickle. =) Very clever idea!

  3. Post the fail! =) Share the knowledge LOL, I had a "learning experience" of my own last night ... finished one hand & was disgusted, took the whole thing off & started something totally different from scratch.

  4. I love the one with the small dollar bills :D

  5. I loved the pickle one! the the different color holo and black on each nail one! What are those holos???? and the money one... kick ass

  6. love the baby blue with rainbow dots :)

  7. I love the striped one of course and the dollar one and the green one after it and the skull one.

  8. Love the polka dots but the pastel stripes are really beautiful. That's one of my favorite manicures.
