Thursday, February 18, 2010


Please enlarge to read the sweetest and cutest valentine I have ever read!! My son got this from a girl in his class. All the students had to draw a name (of the opposite sex) and write three nice things about them. This is what the girl in his class wrote about him. He is so embarrassed by this, but I think it's the best thing I have read in ages!! lol

**He is in First grade.


  1. Oh how friggin cute is that? Poor guy, I bet his is dyin' but that is just too cute.

  2. Oh my. That is the cutest, sweetest thing I have seen all day. Thank you for sharing that!

  3. LAMARAVILLA - He is in first grade :)

  4. That is the sweetest thing ever! First love....

  5. Oh goodness. Awwwww. Awwwwwwwwwww. That is just too cute. Do you mind if I send this page to friends?

  6. That is the most adorable thing ever! Keep that forever lol :)

  7. That is the most adorable thing I read in a long time. How cute!

  8. What a sweetheart. I remember my first crush. :o)

  9. I think my heart just melted a little. Melting my heart it difficult to accomplish. Props to little Laura.

  10. Aww so cute! English is really hard for the first graders to spell, isn't it? As Turkish is read as it's written, spelling is not a big issue. We have other rules that are hard =)

  11. Yes Trincess, it is hard for us English speakers to get used to the whacked out spelling. I know what you mean about spelling as Spanish is read as it is spelled aswell.

    Anyway, this is the most adorable thing I think I've ever read! That last part, awwwwww. Sweetie.

  12. As an elementary teacher to be, I want to grab my red pencil and correct all those mistakes. =) Cute though.

  13. Pitter patter goes the little girl's heart! This is definitely the cutest thing I've seen in a long time. :]

  14. This is cute, but why did the kids have to draw a name of the opposite sex? It's time schools grew out of heteronormalism.

  15. PERRYPIE - Of course not! Send it away - it's too cute not to share! :)

  16. That is sooooo sweet!! She's a darling, that girl will go far! And it looks like your son's a heartbreaker already... xx

  17. I told you that he would be a ladykiller! That's so sweet and I got tears in my eyes reading it. He may be dating by second grade. I remember that my cousin used to have girls calling him like crazy when he was in third grade. The phone was always ringing for him. I think this will be happening for Little. Only I guess it will be texting or whatever else will be new by then. Are you setting up a meeting with the girl to meet you yet? Thanks for sharing even though Little is so embarassed. How sweet this is.

  18. I told you that he would be a ladykiller! That's so sweet and I got tears in my eyes reading it. He may be dating by second grade. I remember that my cousin used to have girls calling him like crazy when he was in third grade. The phone was always ringing for him. I think this will be happening for Little. Only I guess it will be texting or whatever else will be new by then. Are you setting up a meeting with the girl to meet you yet? Thanks for sharing even though Little is so embarassed. How sweet this is.

  19. That's very sweet. No. 1 is dead on! His eyes sparkle as we've seen from his photos...

  20. awwwwwwww! that is cho chweet!
    lol, he is embarrassed? does he have any idea that people from around the world are reading this on your blog? haha!

  21. that has got to be the cutest thing! He has a sparkl in his I and a mohock! Too cute! Piter patr. Love it!

  22. that is just too, too cute!

  23. When I picked Little up from school yesterday a little girl said Hi to him. I asked her name and he would only tell me if I promised not to tell his mom.

  24. Aww, Brooke your little first grade heartthrob son! How cute is THAT!!

  25. Ohmygoodness, that has to be thee most adorable thing I have ever read! ^_^
    I can't wait until my little guy starts getting cute little valentine's like this. I get the feeling that he's gonna have all the girls chasing after him, with his big blue eyes. LOL

  26. AW! That is SO CUTE! That boy is a ladykilla for sure.

  27. That is one of the cutest things I have ever heard in my life! :) Thanks for sharing heart goes pitter patter. :D

  28. How adorable! This really made me smile :D

  29. I think I just died from an adorable overdose! That is SO SWEET!

  30. ohhh my goshhh!! hahahah your son is such a stud. That is adorable!
