Thursday, February 4, 2010


Who knew Playboy was getting into the nail polish biz?? I sure didn't until I found this collection at Gordman's of all places. I believe this whole set was around $5-$7 dollars, so I said "I believe I will" and had Little stick it in the basket. Yes, I make Little be my partner in nail polish shopping. He knows his way around a Sally's a little tooooo well :)

Anyway, I really like the colors and was surprised to see a Gray in the mix. Not a typical "Playboy" color I would think. Hope to get some swatches up soon.

I also got my order of Fauxnad plates and I am super-dy duper-dy excited to use them. I think my mom has about 16 manis already planned out for me to do on her nails!! These plates are much larger than the Konad plates and I must say have some designs on them that kicks Konads ass!!! I also got a free nail art pen with my order. The plates came all the way from France, but ordering them was pretty simple and I will be ordering from Chez Delaney again.


  1. those plates are so cool! and I WANT those playboy polishes. That green looks so cool

  2. OMG I haven't heard the name Gordmans in years...I miss that place so much!
    Playboy nail polish...does it come with a centerfold? lol

  3. Love those Fauxnad plates, I must try some of them soon

  4. There should of been a whore red in there. No? No?

    I NEED me some fauxnad so bad!

  5. do fauxnad plates scratch easily? i hate those little lines from scratched up konad plates...

  6. Pisses me off to see you with those plates. I ordered Jan 11 and never once got my order. At least I got a refund but Id rather have my plates! LOL

  7. Those color looks so cheap lol :P

  8. I wonder what the quality of the playboy polishes will be. I am loving those fauxnad plates, they look awesome!

  9. I also got my plates from chez-delaney ;).Cool that now she's giving a free gift with purchase.

  10. A20 was one of the plates that I just ordered a couple weeks ago. I can't wait for them to get here!

  11. Amazing plates. I got some from Chez Delaney because of this post. Thanks!

  12. Hey Brooke- I had a difficult time picking up the leaf vein images on A20- (my favorite). I found that you need to use thinner polishes and a *very* lite touch when scraping. Holding the scraper almost vertical helps as well.

    Oh and if you got any of the small plates, don't throw any that don't work in the trash, like I did (with my first order) :(
    I didn't know the plates were protected with a plastic film. I almost had a fit when B22 would not work. Had I not been rough with the scraper, (from my anger) I would never have noticed the plastic film.

  13. Hmm I wish they were Playgirl polishes. They could have photos of naked beefcake inside and you have to use the polish to see the whole pic ;)

  14. fyi the polishes are also available at sears!

  15. Your're absolutely right: There is some ass-kicking going on there in Fauxnad-land. :)

  16. That's some nice looking plates. I like all the designs. Got Little working for you! Never heard of Playboy polish. It will be interesting to see how they look and wear.

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