Monday, February 22, 2010


I finally cut my hair! After 10 years of long hair, I decided to get it cut. Friday I went and got my hair cut and colored. I thought I might have had feelings of regret right after getting it cut, but I didn't. I got a really great hairstylist who gave me exactly what I wanted and did a great cut on me. I think I had a good 6 or so inches cut off. The hairstylist even took before and after pictures for her self, lol.

Anyway, just thought I would share this huge hair change with you all :) Also, it's really hard taking pictures of your self!! I don't know how you makeup girls do it!




  1. That looks fantastic! It's so shiny and I love the reddish highlights. I'm glad you're happy with it too :)

  2. LOOK OUT! Hot Mama Comming Thru!!!

    Woooo sista I LOVE it!

    I'll be doing mine this weekend and unveiling it next Monday! Great minds must think alike!

  3. I LOVE it! Great choice on the new style!

  4. I love this! What a great cut!

  5. It looks SO GREAT Brooke!!! I just had (at least) 5 inches taken off and it was such a relief to finally do it :) it feels so much healthier. Yours looks fabulous :D Plus, imagine how much time you're going to save styling it? I'm still amazed that I can get my hair straightened in 20 minutes flat!

  6. Love it! The highlights look great too.

  7. The cut looks great! Wow, your hair is *so* shiny!

  8. Woohoo! You have the major hotness!

  9. You look fantastic! I really like it. I had really long hair for years, it's shoulder length now which is short for me.
    I don't know if I'm brave enough to colour my hair, my natural colour is the only thing I like about it :D

  10. Lookin' good! You got a bunch cut off!

  11. Ooo, I love it! I think that's a great length for you. Mine's about as long as your before picture--maybe a little longer. I think I look weird with short hair, though. You're brave!

  12. You have hot hair! I love the red streaks! A great stylist makes all the difference in the world and your's rocks!

  13. OMG LOVE IT!!! I did that and I did regret it, but yours is awesome!

  14. Looks nice! I love the red streaks as well :)

  15. I know how you feel! I had ass-length hair for YEARS and I got it cut off last year. She cut off 14 inches (and my hair was still bewb length after).
    Looks awesome!!

  16. Really cute cut, It looks great on you! I bet it feels swingy!

  17. I always do that. Grow my hair out for a year then cut it. It gets past my waist. I'm currently on that stage, but wanting to get rid of it already!

    Your hair looks really cool with the red.

  18. Love, love it! Nice change and update for you. I adore the color in your hair. I swear I'd love to do my whole head pink. You might inspire lots of other ladies to do the same. If your hairstyle is the same one for 5 years or more it's really time to update your look. Even a small change like bangs makes a big difference. You really look cute. Nice job.

  19. I love it. Looks good on ye!

  20. Well, it wasn't *that* much longer before. =) I can say that, I can almost wipe my a*s with my hair. Not that I do though. =)))
    Love your new haircut!

  21. Love the cut! Your hair has amazing shine..I haven't had that kind of shine since I was 18!

  22. Love the new 'do, the highlights is very pretty!

  23. Love the new cut and the highlights! It's a lot harder to take pictures of your hair than of your makeup, though, for the record! So I think you did a great job of that!

  24. Wow! I totally like it much better short, it really suits you, and the red is full of awesome :D

  25. Your hair looks fabulous. Plus, it's still a nice length do different things with!

  26. I love the new hair! I recently cut 7 inches off mine and it feels so liberating. I hope you enjoy!

  27. I heart the burgundy highlights. very nice : )

  28. You have very beautiful, healthy and shiny hair ! I love both before and after ^^ I wish mine hair was like yours, I'm letting it grow but it takes soooo long when it's over shoulders lenght ^^

  29. love your hair so shiny and pretty.

  30. I LOVE the red in the front! Super adorable!

    Nail Addicts Anonymous
