Monday, February 8, 2010


I'm kicking off "swatch week" with Color Club's new release - Rebel Debutante. It consists of 9 rebellious shades that go from classic to trendy. This was kind of a weird collection for me, in that I didn't think some of the colors I would like, and I ended up just loving. Color Club was kind enough to supply me with this collection for review.

Awesome color. Changes from off white, to slightly lavender to a little bit pink. I think it is a must have from this collection.

A taupe, mushroom color. I have other shades of this same type of color, but this one really looked great with my skin tone.

This is one that I really didn't think I was going to like, but when I put it on it just looked really nice on me. I don't think I could wear this one on it's own though, I felt like it needed some konad to make this look a little bit "younger" for me. This is what I call a "mature" color.

I thought I was going to HATE this one. So when I put this on and just loved it I was shocked to say the least. I think this color just worked so well with my skin tone that it just made me like it.

What's not to love about this one? I think this color is so delicate. I felt delicate wearing this one.

Barbie pink - helllllooooo! I like this one. I have heard this one getting some mixed reviews, but I'm a pink lover and I really liked this one.

Wow, this didn't look streaky on! I think the flash washed this out. I like this color, right up my alley :)

I was torn on weather I was going to like this one on me or not, and I am still a little torn too. If I wear greens I don't normally wear this shade of green, so it was a little different to me. But the more I looked at it, the more it grew on me. This would be a great spring or summer pedi.

Awesome teal blue color. This one is more teal in real life. I kept thinking of blue jeans with this one.

I had some application issues with this collection that I don't normally have with color club. The range of coats was so varied with this collection too, it went anywhere from 2-4 coats for these. The brushes seemed thinner than normal. As far as the colors, I like them. There isn't anything just real unique with this collection, other than Who Are You Wearing. I think this is sort of a pick and choose kind of collection. Most people that would pick some of the first colors I can't see picking the brighter colors - and vice versa. This collection is available for purchase from Transdesign and other etailers.


  1. I'm not in love with this collection but they do look great on you, especially Ms Socialite! Thinking maybe I should buy one or two from this collection...

  2. Interesting that you loved Charity Ball because when I looked at that color online i thought OMG that is the fugliest color I have ever seen. I still won't order it but it does look lovely on you.

  3. lovemy3girls: Thats what I thought too about that color. It just looked really good on me though, I never would have thought that in a million years!!

  4. I'm not feeling any of these :/ The green is okay but I think I would really hate it on me.

  5. I do not feel like this collection was all that amazing. I think there are SOME pretty nice colors in there, but most are boring.

  6. This collection is so nice. Nothing new, but nice, calm colors. Great swatch. :)

  7. Beautiful swatches and beautiful collection! :)

    Today I got my order with three nail polishes from this colleciton. High Society, Uptown Girl and Rebel Debutante.
    On the promo pictures Rebel Debutante looks more like a mint green and not as neon as it is IRL so I am a bit shocked now. :D
