Wednesday, February 24, 2010


My nails have been breaking quite a bit here lately and I have started thinking about maybe taking biotin. I am one of those people who have a hard time remembering to take a pill everyday so before I commit myself to doing it I wondered if it was worth it.

So I would love to hear from any of you all that are taking biotin; does it work, how long before you started seeing the effects, etc.



  1. It works a bit for more. I hasn't been like a miracle or anything like that, but it does seem to make my nails grow a bit faster. It also makes my hair (ALL my hair gaaaah) grow faster.

    If you are acne broke, you need to be a little careful with the dosage since some people break out from using it.

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  3. I started taking Biotin last year when, after an operation, my hair started to fall out.

    Each day I take a multi-vitamin, calcium supplement, zinc supplement and biotin.

    I found it took around 2-3 months before I started to notice the difference in my hair loss (ie it pretty much stopped, which is partly the vitamins, partly just my body adjusting after the operation).

    But I noticed my nails going great guns within 2-4 weeks. They rarely break, and the tips grow really strong with no flakes or peeling.

    Another very nice thing that comes with taking Biotin is that my lashes have grown immensely. And the are alot thicker than they were even pre the operation.

    I definitely recommend Biotin. I keep two bottles spare at home, just so I never run out (it can be hard to find in Oz).

  4. I have used Biotin too in the past, I wanted my hair to grow faster haha.. After only a few weeks I noticed my skin was getting worse and worse. Normally I'm not really acne prone, but Biotin caused cystic acne. I stopped taking it and everything turned back to normal, thankfully!
    So please keep an eye out for side effects like this..

  5. Hi Brooke,

    I did a TON of research before deciding to take a vitamin with a bunch of Biotin rather than a straight up biotin supplement.
    All the research says Biotin supplements don't really do what the biotin sellers want you to believe they do...
    But I went looking for a good vitamin, and found one with a boat load of Biotin in it
    I never took a supplement regularly before this one so just the fact that I want long healthy nails was enough to get me on track and so I'm healthier due to vanity! LOL
    I will say, My "breaking point" is no longer where it was, and I've yet to find where it is now but my nails are longer and stronger. Growth rate is the same, but my hair is growing faster - gray roots help me measure this! Just short of an inch in 6 weeks!
    So take a vitamin with all the stuff you need AND some biotin. It's better that way anyway! And if I can remember, I know you can! It's for healthy, gloriously gorgeous nails afterall. :)

  6. Oh yeah, forgot about side effects because I have not had any...but watch for them.

  7. I started taking it for my hair and girl, my face broke out like crazy. I think I was taking too much so watch the dosage. I didnt notice nail growth because I wear acrylics but my hair grew

  8. I would agree with Elizabeth. Your nails and hair are the last things in your body to get vitamins, so if you aren't getting enough vitamins in your diet, your nails and hair will be weak. Maybe you can check out a naturopath!

  9. I have a friend who took it for a few months, her nails improved a bit. She also previously had flawless skin and the Biotin made her break out so bad. And the breakouts didn't go away for 8 months after she stopped taking it.

  10. I took the Origins biotin that you can get in Target, but I do not recommend it, it gave me bad acne.

    The Nature's Cure biotin seems to give better results

  11. I take 5000mcg of biotin a day (I get mine from Puritan's Pride, they have like buy 1 get 1 or buy 3 get 2 kind of specials a lot) & I started taking it shortly after I started blogging. I've been lucky enough not to have a problem with any of the side effects, but when I gave Tee a bottle to try since she was having breaks & peeling, she returned it to me within a week because of the bad acne side effect. Her skin cleared up within a few days of stopping taking it.

    As to how long to see results, the thing to remember is that it's not a quick fix, it's something that has to grow out with your nails (which also means you can't stop taking it once your nails are better), but within several weeks to a couple months I could for sure tell a difference. I don't see myself ever NOT taking it at this point, because I don't get the side effects, it's pretty cheap, and it does what I need it to =)

  12. Wow, I've never heard of the breaking out! That sucks!

  13. PS - I almost forgot. My grandma now also takes biotin! She's not as into nail polish as my & Mom, but her nails were weak & she asked me what I use & she has been taking it since I think shortly before Christmas & is very pleased. I think this is one supplment that may be a crap shoot as far as getting or escaping the side effects.

  14. i used to take biotin b/c i was working on getting my hair to grow.
    naturally, i have very strong nails. i have noticed though that when my iron dips low, i suffer from splitting & weaker nails. severely anemic. i must take several iron pills a day to stay where i need to be. it always improves my nail condition. just wondering if iron deficiency may be a problem for you if you are of childbearing age. ??? no need to reply. LOL personal info. just throwing that out there.

  15. I would be very careful about taking anything without researching it pretty well. I would recommend vitamin E. It is good for hair, nails, skin and will help when peri-menopause comes calling. It has so many benefits and no bad side effects that I know of. A good multi would be even better. I like Life Extension. Check online. Anything you ingest your liver has to process so if most skin has a problem with it I think it would be hard on your organs. Please check it out.

  16. Hi Brooke!

    i take solgars hair nail and skin supplements and my nails are good now but i remember taking omega's for a while and that really did the trick for my hair and nails, but i guess everyone has different needs and a different eating pattern so an advice from a pro seems a good idea :)

    good luck!

    ps my nails go bad in spring often due to the spring cleaning....uh-huh al that cleaning is baaaad for the nails haha

  17. Health supplements that contain vitamins (A, b6 and b12) as well as iron and zinc have helped my hai grow and stopped it from falling out like mad during autumn. They've also improved the general condition of my nails, but I'll never be able to wear them long with the amount of housework I do and playing with my 3 children.

  18. It works well for me. I have better success when I use prenatal vitamins though.

  19. HEYYY
    i started taking biotin about half a year ago.. and the one thing i did notice is my arms getting very hairy..
    nails wise i cant really say i noticed a big difference
    for me if i want my nails to grow i have to use an actual nail hardener.. i used to use nail magic.. but now they discontinued it in Canada
    instead i use rejuvacote by duri ..
    it works wonders..

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  23. I have been taking Biotin for a year. My nails were a wreck and it really helped them. It took about 3 months for me to see any difference. That's because my nails were so bad. Before I started using Biotin my nails would never grow beyond the edge of my finger. They all grew and were nice and long till I cut them off when one broke. Now they're growing good again. I still had two small peels on the ends of my nails. I think this stuff is really worth it.

  24. I am testing some Biotin by Sally Hansen right now for my site and have really noticed a nice change in my nails. They used to break and I keep them short so they hurt. I have only taken it for 2 weeks and can already see a difference.

  25. I also take Nature's Bounty Hair, Skin, & Nails. I was looking for a new multivitamin because mine was too potent. My roommate had bought these by mistake and was going to throw them out so she gave them to me. I was interested in strengthening my nails because they are thin and tend to peel and break often. I noticed results within 2-4 weeks. The breakage was greatly reduced, and my nails are now about 1/3 of an inch past my fingertips, which is longer than I've ever been able to keep them without a great deal of damage.

    This gives me the same amount of nutrients (with more biotin) as my former multivitamin over the course of three pills daily. It sounds like a lot, but I just keep the bottle handy (right now it's on my desk next to me) and take them with meals/whenever I remember.

    It's made a huge difference in my nails, and I have not noticed any significant changes in the condition of my skin. My nails still peel and tear from time to time, but the condition has improved tremendously. I even was brave enough to wear them bare today!

    I hope you find something that works for you!
