Monday, January 25, 2010


Wow, I have tons of stuff I want to post about today! I have a huge Sally's haul, tons of swatches and even a NOTD pic for you all. So let's get started.

I did some organizing of my nail polish situation over the weekend and there is an item I use that I thought I would share with you all. It's a lazy susan. My mom gave me this and it has just been so handy. I like to keep things I use for all mani's on here. I keep top coat bottles (matte and shiny) also base coats, nail polish thinner, nail treatments, cuticle oils, nail polish removers (acetone and non acetone), orange wood sticks - basically all the basics. Plus, it turns so it makes it really easy to find what I need without digging around for it. When I am done, I just pick up the whole thing and place it out of the way. Super handy!

That's me! See, I'm trying to demonstrate how I turn it! lol

I also keep a container of cotton. I buy the really big, salon size box of cotton. It is cheaper and it last so much longer than buying bags of cotton balls. Also, I can pick the amount I need. It comes reinforced so I pull it out of the box and pull the little paper string out and have it ready to use. I buy my salon sized boxes of cotton at Sally's.


  1. That is a great storage idea, I love it! And I like the big box of cotton balls!

  2. It's always nice to see how others have arranged their stuff !

  3. Where in the heck does Sally's hide the cotton? I looked last time I was there & didn't see any except for normal-sized bags of balls =(

  4. COLETTE - My Sally's keeps it at the very end of isle with the nail polish stuff. It comes in a big bown box probably two feet tall. You could always ask them and they can show you where they keep it at your store.

  5. Love the Lazy Susan idea! Must steal that one hehe ;)

  6. I should get cotton like that. Haha. Nice idea with the lazy susan! If I had one I'd probably make much less of a mess.

  7. Terrific idea to use the lazy susan. Very economical to buy the cotton in the box. Good job pulling off just what you need.

  8. Brooke, there is another box of cotton that is not reinforced (so you don't have to pull out the paper each time you use it) at Sally's. It is the blue box next to the red one that you purchase. For those looking for the cotton at Sally's. The cotton is kept at the end of the nail isle, up on a shelf above the capes. It comes in 500 and 1200 feet (red box comes in both sizes blue box in 1200 feet only).
