Saturday, December 12, 2009


BWAHAHAHAHAAH!!!! Brooke strikes again at the Dollar Treeeeeee! More info on these and the other polishes I scored to come . . . . .

I don't blame you if you hate me at this point. . . .teheeehhe!


  1. While I do not hate you, I do have to say that my Dollar Tree NEVER has ANYTHING good. Hardly any polish. At all. Sad, sad panda.

  2. lol Stephanie!
    All mnine has is some LA Color. I dont like those.

  3. Hey now that just isn't fair! Send some of that DT luck my way! lol

  4. oh my gosh - what a score.....I wish I had a dollar tree in my town♥

  5. You know, I found 7 of those glittery SH at a DT across town! I couldn't believe it. Got it at the same time as a bunch of the Maybelline mattes and the Maybelline Twinkle Twinkle -it was a super DT day! But what I didn't see was that awesome lime green sparkly one you got - THAT'S cool!

  6. dang that is one hot set of glitters XD
    cant wait to see the swatches! XD

  7. Dammit! I have such bad luck with DT and Ross and Marshall's etc. LAME. I'm super jealous.

  8. wow!! gorgeous..i heart the green

  9. Holy shit. Those look awesome.

  10. OMG these look awesome !!! Can't wait to read more about them and see their swatches :-)

  11. I used to have some of these when they were new, and they're really sheer and streaky. Full of death chemicals. But they're sparkly as crap so if you don't like them you can send them to me :P

  12. I don't hate you sweetie. I'm just amazed at what you keep finding. (boo,hoo!) I'm happy your finding these polishes. My girlfriend Linda went to the Dollar Store again for me and nothing!

  13. My DT absolutely sucks!! There weren't any Maybelline let alone polish at all! I did score a couple of nail art colors, but still!

  14. Holy cow! These Sally Hansen glitters were my definitive nail polishes back in 7th grade! I had them in blue, red, a coppery brown, and a yellow. Is the blue you have called "Magnet" too, or is it a different one? I have to get myself to a Dollar Tree stat!

  15. These are beautiful! I have one of these, I think it's a pale pink. You're so good with these Dollar Tree finds! Can't wait to see what else you found :)
