Thursday, December 3, 2009


Sometimes I get bit by the long nail bug and just have to satisfy the urge. That's what happened yesterday. First it started by looking at Tartofraises blog. Of course her nails are natural. They are so long and pretty jealous over here!!! Then I was looking at Nail Up & Nail Venus and seeing all these cute nail art designs that I just love but can't do on my shorties.

So I succumbed to the urge and put on some long acrylics last night. I left them super long and today trying to type has been a bit of struggle. Sometimes I do a double take at the screen like what in the hell did I just type! I am making up new words faster than you can say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! So I might end up shortening them a bit, but for today I am really enjoying my talons!!!


  1. More power to ya! Love seeing on other people but cant hang.

  2. love it! I'd injure myself if I tried that though lol

  3. Just beautiful. They look so natural and gorgeous. I now know what your talking about with typing. My nails especially on my right hand are finally long and I find it harder to type. Love the holo tips also. Very pretty.

  4. YAY!!!! I finally have company in the "I type gibberish cause of my nails but i wont cut them" support group!!!

    I LOVE them, and cant wait to see what you have in store nail art wise!!!

    whatcha got on ur tips? it's FABULOUS!

  5. I hate acrylics and I super-hate talons. I love your natural nails though! Fab blog.

  6. wow!! this is pretty.. i had try the holo nail tips before and i think its making fun to have some funky french!!

  7. I think it's awesome that you've got the skillz to do your own acrylics =) They look great & I'm jealous of your talons, because I still feel like mine are nubs right now! But it's winter, so I figure dealing with nubs is better than dealing with a ton of breaks.

  8. veryy pretty
    long nails really suit you

  9. Now I want to go do a Revvvolution Funky french so we can be Talon twins!

  10. i hope u post a tutorial on how to put acrylic nails... i just love to see tutorials...

  11. I used to have the same length nails when I was in my 18-20.:) If you, all girls with long nails, are still able to type, you're my heroes! lol

    Hope you'll read this. Just found out you're my new follower! You made my day! Thank you! I'm so happy I can dance. lol

    PS Tried to send you a message, but it didn't go through.:/

  12. THANKS GIRLS! I know how hated acrylics are for some reason, and figured I was going to be bombarded with hate comments - so thank you! I appreciate when you guys can leave nice comments, even if it isn't something you would like for your self.

    EVIL - Totally, deeew eeeeeet!!!

  13. HEVENNRJ - Where did you try to send the message to me at?

    I just recently found your blog, great work. I have been enjoying reading it since I found it :)

  14. I love them, can u do an acrylic tutorial...thanx

  15. Thank you! I'm in heaven! lol I'm still a nerd with managing my blog.:) Spent couple of hours in finding out how to make that "Category" thing, etc yesterday. :) When I discovered I have 1 new follower, I simply clicked the icon and couldn't believe my eyes when I saw your name. :) Then I clicked your icon (in order to check if I'm still dreaming lol) and there was that weird "drop down menu" thingy with "Send a message" option. I tried with no luck. Here is my "short" story. :)

    PS Scrangie was my first follower back to February when I first started my blog. She is still following me, but I really doubt she read my new posts. I wish... :)

  16. Nice! I don't know why acrylics get so little love. Is it because there are so many awful techs out there? I really like the versatility of artificial nails. You did an excellent job. I can do my own gels but I suck at acrylic.
