Monday, November 30, 2009


Me and my sister decided to do a little shopping Thanksgiving. We hit up Michael's and Garden Ridge. I was going specifically for a bright red Christmas tree at Garden Ridge. I snagged THE LAST ONE, well almost the last one. I saw a dude pushing a cart with the display tree in his cart, so I guess he got the last LAST one, lol.

It's only a 4 foot tree. I needed a smaller one this year and this baby is perfect! I went for a candy and sugary sweets theme for the decorations.

That's a nail polish bottle decoration my little sister and her husband found for me, and it's RED. Perfection!

Friday, I took Little and Jordan to TGI Fridays. They had a blast, especially Little, he really wanted people to think he was drinking a real beer. . .

Looks like he's got the chugging part down pat!
(that's a bottle of root beer, not an empty beer bottle)


  1. love the ornaments! I never did a theme before! I like!

    Little is gunna be a partying, little trouble, huh?!! I swear he gets cuter and cuter in every pic you post!

  2. How cute! I love your little tree!

    I LOVE the tree!
    i just love that candy theme!
    I would love to do that!

    But now that my mother-in-law is gone, we use all her ornaments, I know Rob really likes seeing them up, and she was a HUGE Mickey Mouse fan, so it's all basically mickey stuff!

    and Little is too cute! Tell him I said "Put down that beer!!!" ;)

  4. That is such a cool tree!

    Haha i used to do that too... pretend i was drinking beer. oh to be a kid again...

  5. O I love it! I got a pink tree last year and am going to use it again this year :) I really like the idea of different colored trees

  6. i love it! i got a copper one at garden ridge a couple of years ago.

  7. Zomg LOVE it! This year mine is pink mwahahahaha :D

  8. Beautiful tree, Brooke! It would fit right in with my decor...can I steal it? ;)

  9. Oh, and PS - I tagged you in my "15 Blogs" post!

  10. Ohh wow!! That red tree is fabulous!

    Mine is 8ft and black, which we decorate in blue and silver. I'll hafta get some pics of it for my blog!

  11. Very pretty!!! Great job decorating the Christmas tree !!

  12. I love the red tree! and those pics of Little and Jordan are adorable!

    P.S. My dad has a picture of me chugging from an empty beer bottle.Or so he says ;)

  13. Looks like the kids had fun :-)

    And the tree is stunning !

  14. that tree looks stunning- i love the little (fake?!) nail polish bottle :D

  15. Hmmm, Anon strikes again!

    You know Brooke, I really wonder why people take the time to comment if they dislike something so much. I mean why exert the energy!

    Anon, hun, do us all a favor and just stop visiting our blogs. I think I can speak for quite a few of us when I say "how 'bout you just forget our blog addresses"

    Little is adorable. Most kids so things like this. It takes a real low life to pick on a child.

  16. CHRISTY - Thanks - in the trash it went where the commenter obviously came from.

  17. Gorgeous tree! I love red, I just have a lil fiber optic 3 foot tree.

    Little and Jordan are too darn cute, you're gonna have girls beating down your door and hearing stories about girls at school kissing Little before you know it.
