Thursday, November 5, 2009


I was surprised today by a package from Nailene. Not only that, but look how cute they packaged it:

Here are the products I rec'd and will be reviewing soon!


  1. I had got one too! I thought it was so nice how they put it in a gift bag and all :) And I really enjoy my nails since mine are doomed to be forever short and I have the black pen from a myprettypinkbox and It goes on really nice

  2. Oooh lucky you got the black tip pen! I was hoping or that. lol

    I love how it came in a giftbag. :)

  3. do you have the contact email for the lovely people at nailene, they have also sent me some goodies and I want to thank them but cannot contact them ♥♥♥♥

  4. DEEZ - yes I think I do, I will email it to you right now :)

  5. What a haul! Mom
    Wish i could remember user name!

  6. Nice gift they sent you. I finally am able to use the nail guides. I finally have nails long enough to do a French manicure!
