Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Last night I decided to do some comparisons of Essie - Mint Candy Apple (MCA) with some mint greens and blues that I have to see if maybe I was wrong about the greenness in MCA.

First I pulled out some light/baby blues and my light, mint greens. I had four blues and three greens. You will see in the picture below MCA in the middle of the picture. To me, just from bottle pics, I felt as though I was right in my assumption that MCA is more blue than green. But we all know, bottle pics don't necessarily mean the same thing on the nail.

I decided to use Diamond Cosmetics - Oh Tiff since I thought MCA looked like a Tiffany's blue yesterday and I used the darker, blue based green OPI - Hey! Get in Lime.

In the picture below I have
OPI - Index
MCA - Middle
Diamond Cosmetics - Ring
MCA - Pinky

To me, MCA does appear to be blue, although not as blue as Oh Tiff as I originally thought. MCA just does not appear to be a mint green, sure if I look hard enough I can see that it has tinges of green, but I personally wouldn't call it a mint green. I also think that if the name didn't have the word "mint" in it, calling this a green wouldn't even cross my mind.

I also thought I would go ahead and compare it to the lighter of the mint green polishes that I have, while I was at it.

CG - Groovy Green - Index
MCA - Middle
Essie - St. Martin Mint (droooooool) - Ring
MCA - Pinky

Next to these mint greens, MCA really looks blue to me.

Soooooo, there you have it. This "experiment" was done not only to put my mind at ease that I wasn't loosing it about what color MCA is, but also in case any of you wanted to know how MCA compared to other blue and green nail polish.

If you love your MCA more power to you, I'm not trying to dissuade you from loving it. If you like it, I love it!! I'm just sharing this one gal's humble opinion on Mint Candy Apple :)


  1. Great comparisons! I do agree that MCA isn't green enough, but in my heart it still barely contends as a green. :)

  2. Awesome post! I DO love MCA but still need a more yellow mint. I have OPI-Gargantuan Green Grape, but that is too yellow and too sheer. What I really want is MAC-Peppermint Patti, but we all know that ain't gunna happen!

    PS-I think maybe ur unnamed OPI is Hey! Get in Lime?

  3. LAINE - You are correct!! Thank you so much!!

  4. Awesome comparison. I completely agree with you that it's more of a blue! :)

  5. I agree that it's not a green, but i still love it blue or not^^

  6. Hey Brooke! I've been browsing your blog & haven't left a comment lately.

    I'm still in awe of St. Martin Mint. :( lol
    That China Glaze shade looks quite similar.

  7. Why would they call this MCA.... it is not green and it is not what I would say is minty at all....

    It is a pretty color, but not in the pastel/minty green family....

    I could really sense how bummed out you were in your previous post about this. There has been a few polish's recently released which have been named improperly that are in the green family of colors.

    Its a good thing you did this post with the skittles!!!

  8. Thanks for the comparisons Brooke! I still think I need even if its not minty it is pretty!

  9. i prefer the blueish tinge to mca over the yellow-y tinge to the others, but I think it all depends person to person. Some people think of greens more yellow-y and some more blue'd. Either way, I love MCA and its by far my favorite from this season

  10. I fully agree with Ange-Marie! When you said you didn't see mint I was surprised. It's totally mint to me, while the ones you called mint are more lime. It's so interesting how people associate different colors. I'm totally loving my MCA :) Thanks for the swatches.

  11. I agree that it's more blue than green. It's still a pretty shade and I'll probably buy it anyway. Why can't MAC re-release Peppermint Patti?

  12. wow, what a great comparison! Thanks!!

  13. I really like MCA, It kinda reminds me of a brighter version of the powdery mints that you get at the cash register counter of a diner. Which is kinda gross, but I love the color, I love teh brightness and the formula. It is minty to me. I am also a huge blue fan so this is a win/win for me!

  14. Howdy! I love your blog but this is my first post...

    Thanks for posting these. I agree that from your pics MCA is more blue than green - and I totally love it! I have an aversion to green nail polish (no matter how lovely), and this looks like the robin's egg blue I have been fantasizing about since the late 80s. Awesome!
