Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I told you all I had a short day yesterday, I left to go to Little's Thanksgiving program his class was doing. They were singing songs and reciting poems, finished off with a Thanksgiving feast. It was really good. The high light had to be one song they sang about eating turkey. They were singing they ate "a whole lot of turkey" only it sounded like "a-hole" - Me and my mom had to do a double take, like what did they just say? Lol, it was pretty funny.

Later I took him to Dollar Tree with me and I let him pick out one thing, of course he picked the gun. As we were leaving he told me it was the best day in whole life - because he had his party at school and because of his new gun. Wow, it doesn't take much for kids, does it?

After all the singing, it was time for feasting:

This cracked me up! For some reason Little has a hard time opening up things (i.e. he just gives up) so I happened to catch him handing his cookies across the table to this little girl so she could open them up for him.

Oh look, he eats just like his mom!

Boy, I wish he wasn't so camera shy!

Look who I caught at the teachers desk! It's my mom and Ollie!

One last thing about Little, last Friday we were in the car and the song Celebrate Christmas came on and he absolutely ROCKED OUT to it! I was afraid I was going to get hit by a flying arm while I was driving. So here is Celebrate Christmas for YOU to rock out to!


  1. I love this post! *waves at Little*

    Do you know, I don't know anything about Thanksgiving. Must look it up.

  2. Aww, that is so cute! Aren't kids easy to please?

  3. You've got one good looking kiddo there and an adorable little squishy nephew! Its those little things that make the best days!

  4. How sweet this is. To be young with no worries. Doesn't take much to make them happy is cute. What a sweetie he is. So handsome and shy.

  5. OMG that kid is just toooooo cute!!! I wanna squeeze him!
