Wednesday, November 11, 2009


It's just been one of those weeks so far when blogging has just not been at the top of my list. I hope to be back on track next week.

I finally got Internet hooked back up at my house so I might throw in a few night time posts for you all here and there.

I got a lovely package all the way from Israel that I will be sharing with you all either today or tomorrow from a truly sweet woman who made me some skull and cross bone socks. The package came from Inbal of 20 Drops of Color.

I did bake some bread the other night that tasted pretty good, only it had the consistency of biscuits instead of traditional bread for some reason. I think I should have kneaded the dough more, anyway, they were pretty tasty :)

For dinner tonight I am making Veranika, a German Mennonite dish that has ham, onions, heavy cream, fried dumplings - - - it's to die for, if you like that sort of thing. . .

I'm thinking of starting another blog that I will post about stuff that I cook, but I'm still not quite sure that I am ready to juggle two blogs. Since I enjoy cooking as much as doing nails I have kind of intermingled the two here but think a separate blog would be better for just food stuff. What do you all think?


  1. Well, I don't mind having the food show up on this blog =) but I think it kind of comes down to more organization than time - I don't post that much at the moment on my 2nd blog, but that's more because I don't have as much of that content to post, not because I don't have time to post it. I mean, it takes the same amount of time to post, if you think about it, regardless of which one you're posting on, and I find that Blogger makes it pretty easy to juggle 2. I like the alterations I'd made to my MSLP template, so I just copied that & went from there. I try to force myself & be creative enough to have a post at least once a week but I don't always meet that goal... now I'm just rambling, but I hope you get my drift =)

  2. YUM! Your bread looks amazing and the Veranika sounds great. I always want to blog about food too. I think you would have an amazing food blog. :) But, I don't mind food being sprinkled in on this blog. Either way, I'll follow you! :)

  3. OH YUM...:::drooling:::
    PLEASE post pics of dinner!!!
    and recipe too!

    I live in the heart of mennonite county. Horse and buggies are everywhere!
    The Walmart on the other side of town frequently has horse and buggies in the parking lot!

  4. I would love to see your recipes and dinners! so far all the things that you have posted have looked great and sounded tasty!
    Go for it, girl! If you have time.

  5. I always enjoy your food posts! Those bread biscuits (whatever you call them!) looks so good. I love dough and bread :)

  6. I'm glad you got it finally :-)
    it was fun to make!

    I think it brings a little extra when you post about things that are not nail polish related. it makes your blog special. and I have to say that this bread looks YUMMY!
    I love your food posts, but I'm not sure I'll read a coocking blog the same way I'm reading nail-polish blogs. I also thought about starting another blog - for my knitting - but decided it will be too much for me. I'm reading and posting in a knitting forum, and sometimes put bonus photos in my nails blog... it suits me.

  7. I really enjoy this blog , just how it is.

  8. I like seeing your food stuff, it's nice for inspiration

  9. I've emailed you with a little idea x

  10. I love when you post your special dishes. I look forward to this German Mennonite dish. Sounds delicious. Your bread looks good also. Will you have the time to devote to two blogs?
