Monday, November 16, 2009


Good morning ladies.  Hope your week is off to a good start.  I have no new blogs to share with you all this week.  Of course, I wasn't trolling the internet as much last week either.

I do have a pretty busy day with having to get the sales tax done at work today, but I do have the Holiday collection from Diamond Cosmetics to share with you all.

Also, the "big" announcement might be made today. . . . heheheh, but no promises!  (Man, I love teasing you guys!! haha)

1 comment:

  1. You're evil!EVIL i tell ya!!T.T...jking:P

    hope work goes smooth and fast, and that you have a great week too!^^
    Can't wait for those swatches! I can't get them, but i can look at them and dream! eheh

