Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I made this franken over the weekend. At first I was disappointed with how un-smooth this turned out to be. The more I looked at it though, I kind of liked the asphalt/black top texture that it had and decided to keep it just the way it was. This is to be worn with out a top coat.

I used clear nail polish, black nail polish and black glitter I got from Walmart, it was Martha Stewart brand. I also added a little bit of a dark grey glitter to this that was also Martha Stewart brand.


  1. WOW!
    I love this. Brooke, you are so creative! It DOES look like black top!

  2. DANA - Thank You! It was kind of one of those "accident" things that worked out in the end.

  3. i LOVE this!
    I have that black glitter Martha Stewart kit! GOTTA MAKE THIS!
    I actually made one from that kit but it is mostly that gunmetal silver glitter with just a bit of the bright silver and black for dimension, I call it RockStar
    I'll have to share sometime!

  4. I really like the texture of this. It looks so cool.

  5. That is a great franken Brooke! I love the texture it has, it looks just like pavement!

  6. OOOOH!!! I love it, although, it looks like it'll be a beast to take off. It's definitely hot.

  7. That is gorgeous! I love the textured look that it has, and the name is VERY fitting!

  8. What a weird texture - the glitter is very pretty though.

    Actually now that I am looking at it a little longer, it is really cool.

  9. OMG I totally want all your creations.

  10. I love your creations :-) love this black top and love the last post franken firestarter, but the best is the one posted before :-)

    also love the lables you put on your frankens bottles... so cool!

  11. This is totally what Lippmann's Funky Chunky should look like. I think you'd be go to work for Deborah Lippmann. I love this look. Looks like a very bumpy road there. Very cool look. I'm so proud of you for making all these frankens. Your doing an awesome job.

  12. So original...I like! Can we see it with a yellow stripe down the middle now? ;)

  13. oooh! soooo cute! it really does look like pavement! but omg i wanna know how fun this ones gonna be when you wanna take it off

  14. Dude! What Lucy said, exactly. I think you could teach them a thing or two about creating polish, this is really cool and I totally would wear it! And of course, that is the perfect name for it :)

  15. awesome!!! i much like this than lippman's funcky chunky...
    i would love to name this as "aspalto" (tagalog word for asphalt) *Wink* have a great day brooke!!

  16. I love this look ! I think it turned out to be awesome :-)

  17. Oh wow that looks very interesting!
    I agree with you about the topcoat. The textured look without a topcoat is really unique.

  18. My first thought was "what the hell?!". But the more I looked at it the more I like it! If I wore this I'd be touching it all day. It looks bumpy, but a smooth bumpy, not a rough jagged bumpy. Did that make sense? Michelle

  19. that's a kooky texture but I love looking at it. Did it chip easily?

  20. Ha! This like screams to me "From the tar pits", really reminds me how tar looks when asphalt is being poured...

  21. This looks like old Urban Decay gimmick polish Asphalt which my sisters and I went through many bottles of. It was grainy on purpose like this, looks exactly like yours. Needless to say I love your Franken Black Top! Was impossible to shift lol.
