Friday, November 20, 2009


WOW! I don't use my Misa's nearly as much as I need too. Misa is a really nice polish. Not only formula wise but they also have some pretty cool and unique colors. Also, their bottles rock! Maybe I should make next week Misa week or something - and showcase all my pretties??

Anyway - today's forgotten beauty is Toxic Seduction, and it was part of the Poisoned Passion collection that came out a year or so ago. Toxic Seduction is a really dark, murky green. I love how grungy and dark Misa takes this green to yet stopped short of it falling into the "it's supposed to look ______ not black" category that so many dark polishes have fallen into. Basically the polish is pure perfection.

I just checked and Head2Toe has Toxic Seduction as well as the rest of the collection for sale on their site for $3.00 each.


I decided to add a coat of Nfu Oh # 56 over the top, not because it needed it, but because I felt guilty about my lack of posts this week! I'm trying to make up for it by changing the look of a polish I already had on - just work with me on this, ok? :)

Wow, did Nfu Oh brighten this polish up or what? #56 is really pretty sheer, lest you think that Toxic Seduction was just completely obliterated, over a plain nail #56 is really really sheer.

I didn't stop there ladies (yes, I feel THAT guilty I piled on another polish.) What was left to do to this but to add a top coat of CG Matte Magic! I only added it to my middle finger for comparisons.

Guess what - I still didn't stop!!!! Yes I did something else to these nails, but it turned out so awesome that it deserves a post all of it's own! I will get it posted later today for you all to oooooh and aaaaaah over :)

What is your favorite Misa color?


  1. That's a smashing manicure! Love Toxic Seduction all that glorious green. My favorite Misa is Dirty Sexy Money. Love those flakies. I stil chuckle when I see your matte looks. You were so vehemently against mattes! Hah! Have a nice weekend sweetie.

  2. LUCY - So glad I can get a chuckle out of you, lol!!

  3. I've literally just put Misa Disco Queen on my tips!! I adore Toxic Seduction and got it from Kelly in our swap. Looks fab.

    I really want some Nfu-Ohs. Love those flakies.

  4. It is so pretty with the Nfu-Oh! I love it matte too!

  5. Oh you are killing me with the gorgeousness (is that a word?)

    You know you can send your Misa's to me and I'll love them for you! :)

  6. This was gorgeous at every step. Cant wait to see what else you did LOL.

    My favorite Misa is Sugar Daddy for some reason.

  7. I'd love to see a Misa week since I'm not 100% familiar with their colors. And I must get myself some Nfu-Ohs!

  8. It's amazing how the Nfu Oh change the color of the polish! Both colors are gorgeous. I don't have a favorite Misa. I only own two - Hot Couture and Dirty Sexy Money.

  9. These are the best pix of Toxic I have ever seen. I now want it.

  10. I'd forgotten how much I love Toxic Seduction... looks gorgeous on you! You've inspired me to break mine out again soon!

  11. Oh, and re: my favorite Misas - I love TS of course, and I also really like Dirty Sexy Money and On the Edge (which was my mani yesterday).

  12. Oh, I looooooooove this color! I've had it for a while but still haven't worn it... shame on me! Thanks for motivating me to use it! Love the "pickle" technique, by the way. So cute!
