Wednesday, November 25, 2009


This nail polish I got from Inbal of 20 Drops of Color. Isn't it pretty? It is a pinkish red JELLY with gold glitter. This color is just so pretty, I didn't want to take it off. I took several pictures in different lights to try and show this color off.

The polish is by Eve Cosmetics and it is labeled as #60. I think this might be only available in Israel where Inbal is from, but I'm not positive, so don't quote me on that!

Thank you Inbal!!


  1. this polish looks great on you :-) I thought you would like it...
    I could'nt find any info about this company online or in the stores that sales Eve's products. I do know that this is a cosmetic and makeup company. I also got some eye shadows by Eve (not bad at all).

  2. GILDED - Isn't it? It is so pretty and strawberry colored.

    MARY ANN - Thank you so much!! I wish they were longer, but I'm working on it.

    INBAL - Thank you, this polish is really pretty. Right up my alley. Between the jelly and the glitter I don't know what I love more about it. Thank you so much. Hopefully your goodies I sent to you will be there shortly :)

  3. What a gorgeous shade. Love that shimmer and jelly finish. Very pretty on you.

  4. The jelly finish is so pretty, it looks like candy.
